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Difference between Excel .csv and plain .csv?

I am running Windows 7 and have MS Office installed. Any time I download a .csv file the "file type" line in the "save as..." dialog defaults to "Microsoft Office Excel comma separated values file". Is there actually a Microsoft specific format that is distinct from "plain" .csv?

Googling the relevant terms returns various incredibly uninformative pages such as this one. Is any information lost or gained, or anything encoded differently by using this format than by just treating a file as a .csv, conforming to the general standards?

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WAF Avatar asked Aug 13 '14 13:08


People also ask

What is the difference between CSV file and Excel file?

Below is a table of differences between CSV File and Excel File: CSV stands for Comma separated value. MS Excel stands for Microsoft Excel. It is a plain text format with a series of values separated by commas. It is a binary file that holds information about all the worksheets in a workbook. Excel file can be opened with Microsoft Excel doc only.

What is the difference between a CSV file and plain text?

It is a plain text format with a series of values separated by commas A CSV file is just a text file, it stores data but does not contain formatting, formulas, macros, etc. It is also known as flat files

What is CSV and how to use it?

What is CSV (Comma Separated Value)? CSV is a format of a text file in which commas are used to separate values, and accordingly, whole data will be stored. CSV data can be easily opened in various kinds of text editor like notepad and can be analyzed for fetching and mining the needed details. How to Provide Attribution?

What is the full form of CSV and MS Excel?

The full form of CSV is a comma-separated value, and MS Excel is Microsoft Excel. Extension of CSV file is “.csv” while extension of excel file is “.xls/ .xlsx”.

2 Answers

Yes, there are almost certainly differences. From the top of my head: English Excel uses "," as a seperator. German locale uses ";" as a seperator, requiring an additional importing step if you want to import a csv with a comma seperator. This is not unique to german locales, roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of the world uses ";".

Also, there might be differences in how complicated strings are escaped (; and " in texts) which are probably different from program to program. This is not excels fault, since the csv "format" is not really standardised and there are uncountable numbers of programs which are rolling their own csv parser, which leads to all sorts of problems because they forgot to handle corner cases.

I once read the comment that csv is the plague of data exchange formats because it is so difficult to do right. I could not agree more, I have to deal with them on a daily basis and they are extremly annoying to work with. Open source fans will hate me for this, but I think csv is a poor choice for data exchange, even xlsx is better because it has rules which are well defined.

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Christian Sauer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Christian Sauer

There are two things going on. The abbreviation (and suffix) "CSV" can mean character-separated values or it can mean comma-separated values. "Microsoft Office Excel comma separated values file" is a disambiguation, and means that you have a number of values in a record, with the field values separated by a comma.

The values themselves, in comma-separated value files, may contain commas if they are properly stropped (quoted). Usually, the stropping is putting a double quote around some or all of the field.

MS Excel also supports newlines in the middle of fields, again being properly stropped.

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Bob Dalgleish Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

Bob Dalgleish