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Difference between CookieStore Sessions and Encrypted Cookies in Ruby On Rails

I was wondering whether there is any difference between a session and an encrypted cookie (configured to expire as the session cookie does).

Aren't they the exact same thing? Or Rails provides extra security for sessions?

like image 758
collimarco Avatar asked Sep 25 '09 17:09


People also ask

What are sessions and cookies in Rails?

Cookies, Sessions and Flashes are three special objects that Rails gives you in which each behave a lot like hashes. They are used to persist data between requests, whether until just the next request, until the browser is closed, or until a specified expiration has been reached.

Is session cookie encrypted?

Yes, it is encrypted with symmetric encryption and (by default) a very strong key. Do keep in mind however that if an attacker can get a hold of a not-yet-expired session key (namely, if you don't use any SSL or certificates, and a man in the middle attack occures), the cookie can be used by someone else.

Are rails sessions encrypted?

Session cookies do not invalidate themselves and can be maliciously reused. It may be a good idea to have your application invalidate old session cookies using a stored timestamp. Rails encrypts cookies by default. The client cannot read or edit the contents of the cookie, without breaking encryption.

What is meant by cookies session and authentication?

What is Cookie-based Authentication? Cookies are pieces of data used to identify the user and their preferences. The browser returns the cookie to the server every time the page is requested. Specific cookies like HTTP cookies are used to perform cookie-based authentication to maintain the session for each user.

1 Answers

A session is a higher-level thing than a cookie. Sessions are collections of variables which persist for one user session only. Sessions can be stored in a cookie, in a database, or wherever a session-handling plugin chooses to store them. Cookies are now the default place where sessions are stored in modern versions of Rails. Note: when sessions are stored outside the cookie, there's an ID stored in the cookie so Rails can look up the session data in wherever it's stored (e.g. a database).

Now, let me move on to what I think you want to be asking: what's the difference between Rails' default session-storage (which uses an un-encrypted cookie) and Phusion's EncryptedCookieStore or any other encrypted-cookie session storage implementation? Why do you care about encrypting a session cookie?

According to http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/encrypted_cookie_store, here's the crux of the difference: "EncryptedCookieStore is similar to Ruby on Rails's CookieStore (it saves session data in a cookie), but it uses encryption so that people can't read what's in the session data. This makes it possible to store sensitive data in the session.".

Note that there are multiple different EncryptedCookieStore's. AFAIK, you's want to use Phusion's EncryptedCookieStore and not ThinkRelevance's older EncryptedCookieStore.

If you're not encrypting cookies, then session data is easily readable by anyone with access to the cookie (either via network sniffer, disk access to the client, XSS, etc.) For details about how session vars are stored into cookies (along with security implications), look here: http://www.neeraj.name/2009/05/04/how-cookie-stores-session-data-in-rails.html.

Note that the default (non-encrytped) cookie storage is tamper-resistant (meaning Rails will reject a maliciously changed cookie). So if all you're worried about is preventing people from changing your cookies (but don't care if they see your cookies) then you're OK with the default.

like image 121
Justin Grant Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11

Justin Grant