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Difference between console.log() and console.debug()?

People also ask

What does console debug do?

The console. debug() method outputs a message to the web console at the "debug" log level. The message is only displayed to the user if the console is configured to display debug output. In most cases, the log level is configured within the console UI.

What is debugging and logging?

A debug log can record database operations, system processes, and errors that occur when executing a transaction or running unit tests. Debug logs can contain information about: Database changes. HTTP callouts.

What is the difference between console log and return?

The main purpose of the return value, is to use the function return value like you would have use a variable value. the console. log(); is a function (you can see the brackets) that will write the argument value on the console. And only the debuging console, in a browser you will not see anything on the screen.

What is console log method?

The console.log() method is used to write messages to these consoles. For example, let sum = 44; console.log(sum); // 44. Run Code.

Technically console.log console.debug and console.info are identical However the way they display the data is little different. console.debug is not visible by default in the browser's JS console. It can be enabled by using the console's filter options.

console.log Black color text with no icon

console.info Blue color text with icon

console.debug Pure black color text

console.warn Yellow color text with icon

console.error Red Color text with icon

var playerOne = 120;
var playerTwo = 130;
var playerThree = 140;
var playerFour = 150;
var playerFive = 160;

console.log("Console.log" + " " +  playerOne);
console.debug("Console.debug" + " " +playerTwo);
console.warn("Console.warn" + " " + playerThree);
console.info("Console.info" + " " + playerFour);
console.error("Console.error" + " " + playerFive);

enter image description here

For at least IE, Firefox and Chrome consoles, .debug() is just an alias for .log() added for improved compatibility




They are almost identical - the only difference is that debug messages are hidden by default in recent versions of Chrome (you have to set the log level to Verbose in the Devtools topbar while in console to see debug messages; log messages are visible by default).

console.info ,console.debug methods are identical to console.log.

  • console.log Printing statement
  • console.info Black color text with "i" icon in blue color
  • console.debug Blue Color text


  • Chrome
  • IE
  • Edge
  • FireFox
  • Safari

If you want the ability to disable logging after a product is finished you could override the console.debug() function or make another custom one.

console.debug = function() {
    if(!console.debugging) return;
    console.log.apply(this, arguments);

console.debugging = true;
console.debug('Foo', {age:41, name:'Jhon Doe'});

Foo▸ {age: 41, name: "Jhon Doe"}

console.debugging = false;
console.debug('Foo', {age:26, name:'Jane Doe'});

No output

However I havent figured a way to color the outputs as well.