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Difference between complement and invert in SASS?

I was going through SASS documentation and found that complement and invert have the same output, Can you tell me what is the difference between these two?

//SASS Code
//Returns the complement of a color.
$invert:invert($color);//Returns the inverse of a color.

.complement {
    background: #00ff66;//Same Color Code

.invert {
    background: #00ff66;//Same Color Code
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fruitjs Avatar asked Apr 28 '16 05:04


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1 Answers

For some reason, many online examples for complement/invert use color values resulting in the same output for both functions.

While the complement/invert of many color values are the same, there are also many values that result in different colors.


$color: #ff6699;

complement($color)    = #66ffcc;
invert($color)        = #009966;

To re-word the Sass documentation:


Returns the color that is 180 degrees opposite on the HSL color wheel.

enter image description here

To calculate the complement of a color:

  1. Convert the color value to RGB

    #ff6699 = RGB 255, 102, 153

  2. Add the highest and lowest RGB values

    255 + 102 = 357

  3. Subtract each of the original RGB values from the number in step #2

    (357-255) (357-102) (357-153)
    102 255 204

  4. This corresponds to #66ffcc


Returns the inverted red, green, and blue values of the color.

To calculate the invert of a color:

  1. Convert the color value to RGB

    #ff6699 = RGB 255, 102, 153

  2. Flip the values by subtracting the original RGB values from 255

    (255-255) (255-102) (255-153)
    0 153 102

  3. This corresponds to #009966

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Brett DeWoody Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Brett DeWoody