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Reverse an animation when vimeo video is done playing

I have a video module that uses a splash screen and on click, reveals a full screen video for screen sizes 667 +. I would like to have this reverse it's animation after ending the video so it returns to the splash screen. I'm not really sure where to even start or whether this is possible. Any help is appreciated!


    var $parent = $('.video-hero'),
            $video = $parent.find('iframe'),
            $playButton = $(".play"),
            $itemsToFadeOut = $(".vid-cap, .ghost"),
            f = $video[0],
            url = $video.attr('src').split('?')[0],
            activeVideoClass = "video-started";

            // setup fitVids

            // handle play click


                // grab height of video
                var videoHeight = $video.height();

                // add class to hero when video is triggered

                // fade out the play button

                // fade out poster image, overlay, and heading

                // toggle accessibility features
                    "aria-hidden" : "false",
                    "tabindex" : "0"

                // set focus to video for accessibility control

                // set height of hero based on height of video

                // send play command to Vimeo api


            // send play to vimeo api
            var runCommand = function(cmd){
                var data = {method : cmd};
                f.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), url);

            // handle resize
                var videoHeight = $video.height();
                if($(".video-started").size() === 1){


Remember to resize my JSFiddle so you're able to see the animation I am talking about.

like image 674
knocked loose Avatar asked Jul 24 '15 20:07

knocked loose

People also ask

How do I animate text in Vimeo?

In the “Text” panel on the right hand side you can: Change the animation of the text. You can see a preview of the animation by clicking on the arrow and hovering over each animation style. Adjust the scale of your text by moving the slider right or left.

Can you add text in Vimeo?

Add words to your video.Click the “+” sign at the top-left corner of the screen and select “Text” in the dropdown menu. A window will pop up, allowing you to type your text. This window also gives you the option to highlight your text. Press “Done” when finished.

1 Answers

Figured it out everyone! I'll explain each chunk of code step by step for anyone's future reference.

I was able to accomplish what I needed to do without the froogaloop cdn, and just using fitvids.js here is a working fiddle of my solutions.

I listed all of my JS below in sections, but for the answer to my question of "reversing my function after video finishes" you will only need to pay attention to my Event Handlers, Connection to the API, and Player State Functions. Once I was able to make the connection and read that the video was ended, I used addClass(); and removeClass(); coupled with CSS Transitions to handle swapping between my play and ready(post finish) states.

I tried to document and explain as much as I could so hopefully this can help someone in the future!

Naming my Vars

Not much to mention here, this is just the preliminary, the main thing to pay attention to is var url it's the only way I could write it to allow me to use my listeners with the Vimeo api.

var parent = $('.video-hero'), 
                 f = $('iframe'),
                 $playButton = $(".play"),
                 $itemsToFadeOut = $(".vid-cap, .ghost, .play"),
                 $video = f[0],
                 url = f.attr('src').split('?')[0],
                 activeVideoClass = "video-started", //Class for when video is playing
           standardClass = "standard"; //Class for when video is finished/before play

Event Listeners / Handlers

My listeners just wait to receive a message from the api/player of whether the video is ready, paused, finished or playing.


// Listen for messages from the player
if (window.addEventListener){
    window.addEventListener('message', onMessageReceived, false);
else {
    window.attachEvent('onmessage', onMessageReceived, false);

My handlers well... handle when my functions are fired. My functions are located below, this just lets me choose which state (case) I have being sent from the API and how to react to it.


// Handle messages received from the player
function onMessageReceived(e) {
    var data = JSON.parse(e.data);

    switch (data.event) {
        //Ready case is before play / after finish
            case 'ready':

        case 'pause':

        case 'finish':

Connecting to the Vimeo API

This section communicates hand in hand with my html play button and vimeo's api/player, allowing me to run, pause and stop the video

// send play to vimeo api
            var runCommand = function(cmd){
                var data = {method : cmd};
                f[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), url);

// Helper function for sending a message to the player
function post(action, value) {
    var data = { method: action };

    if (value) {
        data.value = value;

    f[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), url);

Player State Functions

What will happen based on which state or case the player is in

function onReady() {
    post('addEventListener', 'finish');


  function onPause() {

function onFinish() {
  // add class to hero when video is triggered
                // fade out the play button
                // fade out poster image, overlay, and heading

like image 139
knocked loose Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

knocked loose