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Difference between @OneToMany and @ElementCollection?

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What is ElementCollection?

Annotation Type ElementCollection. @Target(value={METHOD,FIELD}) @Retention(value=RUNTIME) public @interface ElementCollection. Defines a collection of instances of a basic type or embeddable class. Must be specified if the collection is to be mapped by means of a collection table.

What is @OneToMany in Java?

A OneToMany relationship in Java is where the source object has an attribute that stores a collection of target objects and if those target objects had the inverse relationship back to the source object it would be a ManyToOne relationship.

What is @CollectionTable?

User Entity The configuration for this table is specified using the @CollectionTable annotation. The @CollectionTable annotation is used to specify the name of the table that stores all the records of the collection, and the JoinColumn that refers to the primary table.

What is the embeddable class?

Embeddable classes are used to represent the state of an entity but don't have a persistent identity of their own, unlike entity classes. Instances of an embeddable class share the identity of the entity that owns it. Embeddable classes exist only as the state of another entity.

ElementCollection is a standard JPA annotation, which is now preferred over the proprietary Hibernate annotation CollectionOfElements.

It means that the collection is not a collection of entities, but a collection of simple types (Strings, etc.) or a collection of embeddable elements (class annotated with @Embeddable).

It also means that the elements are completely owned by the containing entities: they're modified when the entity is modified, deleted when the entity is deleted, etc. They can't have their own lifecycle.

I believe @ElementCollection is mainly for mapping non-entities (embeddable or basic) while @OneToMany is used to map entities. So which one to use depend on what you want to achieve.

@ElementCollection allows you to simplify code when you want to implement one-to-many relationship with simple or embedded type. For instance in JPA 1.0 when you wanted to have a one-to-many relationship to a list of Strings, you had to create a simple entity POJO (StringWrapper) containing only primary key and the String in question:

private Collection<StringWrapper> strings;


public class StringWrapper {
  private int id;

  private String string;

With JPA 2.0 you can simply write:

private Collection<String> strings;

Simpler, isn't it? Note that you can still control the table and column names using @CollectionTable annotation.

See also:

  • Java Persistence/ElementCollection

Basic or Embedded: @ElementCollection
Entities: @OneToMany or @ManyToMany


  • the relation is managed (only) by the entity in which the relation is defined
  • table contains id reference to the owning entity plus basic or embedded attributes

@OneToMany / @ManyToMany:

  • can also be managed by the other entity
  • join table or column(s) typically contains id references only