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Difference between == and .Equals() with Interfaces and LINQ




I recently got a "The mapping of interface member ..... is not supported" error, which I resolved based on this thread. To demonstrate:

public interface IMyInterface { string valueText { get; set; } }
public class MyData : IMyInterface
   int ID { get; set;}
   string valueText { get; set;}
public class MyOtherData : IMyInterface
   long ID { get; set;}
   string valueText { get; set;}


public static IEnumerable<T> GetByValue<T>(string value) : where T : class, IMyInterface, new()
   using (var context = new DataContext())
      // The important line
      return context.GetTable<T>().Where(x => x.valueText == value);

Running this code, I'd get a NotSupportedException: "The mapping of interface member IMyInterface.valueText is not supported". However, if I replace the x.valueText == value with x.valueText.Equals(value), this works entirely as expected.

I've solved this in my code, but I want to understand why it behaves this way. Can anyone explain it?

Update: As per my comment below, the LINQ to SQL team closed this as a "Won't fix". I think that means it now counts as a known bug, but one that isn't going to be resolved any time soon. I'd still like to know why it behaves differently in the first place, though.

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Bobson Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 22:04


1 Answers

Apparently the decision to push the query upstream to the server is made based on an incomplete set of rules, and then LINQ-to-SQL finds a construct (an interface) that it can't deal with.

The method call isn't supported by LINQ-to-SQL, so it generates a query to retrieve all records and then uses LINQ-to-Objects to filter them. (Actually, based on your other thread, LINQ-to-SQL may make a special exception for object.Equals and knows how to convert that to SQL).

LINQ-to-SQL probably should fall back to the LINQ-to-Objects behavior when an interface is involved, but apparently it just throws an exception instead.

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Ben Voigt Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

Ben Voigt