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Difference Await.ready and Await.result




I know this is quite an open ended question and I apologize.

I can see that Await.ready returns Awaitable.type while Await.result returns T but I still confuse them.

What are the difference between the two?

Is one blocking and the other one non-blocking?

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octavian Avatar asked Dec 15 '16 17:12


1 Answers

They both block until the future completes, the difference is just their return type.

The difference is useful when your Future throws exceptions:

def a = Future { Thread.sleep(2000); 100 } def b = Future { Thread.sleep(2000); throw new NullPointerException }  Await.ready(a, Duration.Inf) // Future(Success(100))     Await.ready(b, Duration.Inf) // Future(Failure(java.lang.NullPointerException))  Await.result(a, Duration.Inf) // 100 Await.result(b, Duration.Inf) // crash with java.lang.NullPointerException 
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soote Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
