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Determining the last row in a single column

I have a sheet with data in cols A through H.

I need to determine the last row in column A that contains data (it's all contiguous - no gaps in the data/rows).

There is also data in the other columns that have more rows of data than column A, so I need to isolate only column A. (And/or just a range within col A).

I can do this on the spreadsheet level using


However in all of my researching for a Google Apps Script solution, all I seem to find are requirements to perform multiple functions encompassing dozens of lines of code - including plenty of i++ stuff... Which I could do less complexly via offsetting directly from A1.

Is there possibly a column-specific way of modifying this method?

var aLast = ss.getDataRange().getNumRows(); 

If a convoluted process is what is required, then so be it. But I find it difficult to imagine (and even more difficult to find!) a simpler solution.

Does anyone care to enlighten me (or pop my bubble)?

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5th4x4 Avatar asked Jul 13 '13 16:07


People also ask

How do I select the last row in Excel with data?

Tip: You can also click the first column heading, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+END. To select all rows below the last row that contains data, click the first row heading, hold down CTRL, and then click the row headings of the rows that you want to select.

2 Answers

How about using a JavaScript trick?

var Avals = ss.getRange("A1:A").getValues(); var Alast = Avals.filter(String).length; 

I borrowed this idea from this answer. The Array.filter() method is operating on the Avals array, which contains all the cells in column A. By filtering on a native function's constructor, we get back only non-null elements.

This works for a single column only; if the range contains multiple columns,then the outcome of filter() will include cells from all columns, and thus be outside the populated dimensions of the range.

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Mogsdad Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09


This will get the last row in a sheet assuming based on column A.

function getLastDataRow(sheet) {   var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();   var range = sheet.getRange("A" + lastRow);   if (range.getValue() !== "") {     return lastRow;   } else {     return range.getNextDataCell(SpreadsheetApp.Direction.UP).getRow();   }               } 

This fixes @mrityunjay-pandey partially-correct answer.

To extend this answer to get the last row and column, we can use:

function columnToLetter(column) {   var temp, letter = '';   while (column > 0) {     temp = (column - 1) % 26;     letter = String.fromCharCode(temp + 65) + letter;     column = (column - temp - 1) / 26;   }   return letter; }  function letterToColumn(letter) {   var column = 0, length = letter.length;   for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {     column += (letter.charCodeAt(i) - 64) * Math.pow(26, length - i - 1);   }   return column; }  function getLastDataColumn(sheet) {   var lastCol = sheet.getLastColumn();   var range = sheet.getRange(columnToLetter(lastCol) + "1");   if (range.getValue() !== "") {     return lastCol;   } else {     return range.getNextDataCell(SpreadsheetApp.Direction.PREVIOUS).getColumn();   }               }  function getLastDataRow(sheet) {   var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();   var range = sheet.getRange("A" + lastRow);   if (range.getValue() !== "") {     return lastRow;   } else {     return range.getNextDataCell(SpreadsheetApp.Direction.UP).getRow();   }               }  function run() {   var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();   var [startRow, lastRow] = [2, getLastDataRow(sheet)];   var [startCol, lastCol] = [1, getLastDataColumn(sheet)]; } 
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Al Johri Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Al Johri