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How to create custom keyboard shortcuts for google app script functions?

I'm trying to get a sense of the viability of replacing some of my Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with Google Doc Spreadsheets. How can I create a custom keyboard shortcut to a google app script function in a google docs spreadsheet? This is something I commonly do with VBA and Excel.

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User Avatar asked Dec 05 '12 20:12


People also ask

Can I create my own keyboard shortcuts Google Sheets?

Add Custom Keyboard Shortcuts for Any Google Sheets Feature Just start the macro recorder, and record you clicking that one Google Sheets feature you need—and perhaps selecting the option you need in it as well (as in the Split Text animation above). Then save and add a custom keyboard shortcut for that macro.

Can I create my own keyboard shortcuts?

You can customize keyboard shortcuts (or shortcut keys) by assigning them to a command, macro, font, style, or frequently used symbol. You can also remove keyboard shortcuts. You can assign or remove keyboard shortcuts by using a mouse or just the keyboard.

1 Answers

Apps Script only exposes server side events. Unfortunately, you cannot register client side events like keyboard strokes today. Please log an issue in our issue tracker

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Arun Nagarajan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Arun Nagarajan