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Determining string length in Node JS when string may be null

I'm trying to learn Node and have the function:

this.logMeIn = function(username,stream) {
  if (username === null || username.length() < 1) {
    stream.write("Invalid username, please try again:\n\r");
    return false;
  } else {

and I'm passing it

if (!client.loggedIn) {
  if (client.logMeIn(String(data.match(/\S+/)),stream)) {

I've tried both == and ===, but I'm still getting errors as the username is not detecting that it is null, and username.length() fails on:

if (username === null || username.length() < 1) {
TypeError: Property 'length' of object null is not a function

I'm sure that Node won't evaluate the second part of the || in the if statement when the first part is true - but I fail to understand why the first part of the if statement is evaluating to false when username is a null object. Can someone help me understand what I've done wrong?

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Amateur Programmer by Night Avatar asked May 17 '12 12:05

Amateur Programmer by Night

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1 Answers

length is an attribute, not a function. Try username.length

like image 70
Amberlamps Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
