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Detecting that Angular 2 is done running

We use Selenium WebDriver to automate our UI based tests. One of our challenges is to detect when a page is truly done loading, and Angular 1 was a challenge in that regard as well. We ended up executing this piece of code specifically to detect if Angular 1 is done:

if(typeof window.angular !== \"undefined\")
  var injector = window.angular.element(\"*[ng-app]\").eq(0).injector();

    var $rootScope = injector.get(\"$rootScope\");
    var $http = injector.get(\"$http\");

    if($rootScope.$$phase === \"$apply\" || $rootScope.$$phase === \"$digest\" || $http.pendingRequests.length !== 0)
      return false;

The app that we are testing recently switched over to use Angular 2. The code snippet above does not wait for Angular 2 to finish. Any suggestions?

like image 951
Rolandas Burbulis Avatar asked Jun 29 '16 22:06

Rolandas Burbulis

1 Answers

Using @alecxe answer i ended up with following javascript one liner to check if all Angular Testabilities are stable

window.getAllAngularTestabilities().findIndex(x=>!x.isStable()) === -1
like image 191
Jac Mos Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Jac Mos