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detecting outliers on wide data frame




Team Date       Score
A    1-1-2012   80
A    1-2-2012   90
A    1-3-2012   50
A    1-4-2012   40   
B    1-1-2012   100
B    1-2-2012   60
B    1-3-2012   30
B    1-4-2012   70

I need to and can turn this data frame to wide data frame one row for each team with all the observations and dates as the heading:


Team 1-1-2012 1-2-2012  1-3-2012 1-4-2012
A    80       90        50        40
B    100     60         30        70  

I need to calculate the mean and sd for each row, which I can do:


Team 1-1-2012 1-2-2012  1-3-2012 1-4-2012  mean   sd
A    80       90        50        40       75    20
B    100     60         30        70       55    10 

Considering I have thousands of row in data frame xx. I would like to do calculation on each cell as this:

if abs(xx-Mean) > 3*SD, create a counter column name and increment the value. The idea is that compare each observation against the mean and sd, if each observation for a given team matches this - abs(xx-Mean) > 3*SD, increment the counter. After checking each cell, I would like to look at each counter for each team and get the top ten high team that has the highest counter value. Basically I am trying to detect the most outliers. Once I get the top 10 team names, I would like to graph their time series data on data frame x.

I hope I am not making this more complicated than it should be. Not sure, R already has function to do calculations on each cell. Any ideas how to accomplish this is appreciated?

like image 914
user1471980 Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 15:12


1 Answers

I would leave your data in long format and use plyr, data.table, or any of the other split-apply-combine tools to compute your statistics. Here's how I'd use plyr for the task:

#Your data
dat <- read.table(text = "Team Date       Score
A    1-1-2012   80
A    1-2-2012   90
A    1-3-2012   50
A    1-4-2012   40   
B    1-1-2012   100
B    1-2-2012   60
B    1-3-2012   30
B    1-4-2012   70", header = TRUE)


#Compute mean and sd by team
dat <- ddply(dat, .(Team), transform, mean = mean(Score), sd = sd(Score))
#Your outlier threshold
dat <- transform(dat, outlier = abs(Score - mean) > 3*sd)
#Cumulative sum by team
dat <- ddply(dat, .(Team), transform, cumsumOutlier = cumsum(outlier))

Gives you this as an output (which does not match your example, but presumably your real data does):

 Team     Date Score mean       sd outlier cumsumOutlier
1    A 1-1-2012    80   65 23.80476   FALSE             0
2    A 1-2-2012    90   65 23.80476   FALSE             0
3    A 1-3-2012    50   65 23.80476   FALSE             0
4    A 1-4-2012    40   65 23.80476   FALSE             0
5    B 1-1-2012   100   65 28.86751   FALSE             0
6    B 1-2-2012    60   65 28.86751   FALSE             0
7    B 1-3-2012    30   65 28.86751   FALSE             0
8    B 1-4-2012    70   65 28.86751   FALSE             0
like image 135
Chase Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 23:01
