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Detecting horizontal div overflow with JavaScript?

I have a DIV that has plenty of child DIVs inside of it. What I want is similar to Firefox's tabs, when you have too many tabs open or the main DIV width is too small, the interface will detect overflow and show a button on the right side to list all hidden tabs. The problem is that I have no idea where to even start looking for help.

like image 848
Tower Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 07:12


2 Answers

Is you main DIV set to overflow:hidden?

If so, you can test its need to overflow by incrementing the scrollLeft property and then querying it to see if it's changed:

function containsTooMuch(el) {
    var original = el.scrollLeft++;
    return el.scrollLeft-- > original;
like image 60
James Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 05:01


Googling turns up this:


looks nice and framework independent.

But maybe somebody comes up with a solution that works with less code.

Oh and guess which popular coding community site screws up the Googe results for

javascript detect overflow 


like image 29
Pekka Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 06:01
