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Detected BIOS data in system (Delphi)

How detected name of modern chipsets in system (Delphi)

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YoungMaster Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 20:12


2 Answers

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) have routines to detect computer hardware.

The best Delphi package for WMI is wmi-delphi-code-creator.

Look for documentation for the calls Win32_BaseBoard and Win32_MotherboardDevice.

They won't give you the chipset name though.

A scan through the Win32_PnPEntity class looking for vendor/device ID and matching them with the correct chipset is probably the best way. Not an easy task.

Some more info chipset-detection-in-delphi

Edit : Credits to the author of the package, RRUZ

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LU RD Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 09:12


As LU RD has pointed out, WMI is the way to go. Check out Rodrigo Ruz WMI code generator, it make access really easy.

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Brian Frost Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 09:12

Brian Frost