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Detect Recursive calls in C# code


I want to find all recursive calls in my code.

If I open file in Visual Studio, I get "Recursive call" icon on left side of Editor. enter image description here

I want to inspect whole solution for such calls.

I used Resharper Command Line tools and VS's add-in Resharper - Code Inspection with no luck, this rule is not applied in their ruleset.

Is there any way that i could inspect whole solution - i really don't want to open each file and check for that blue-ish "Recursive call" icon :)

Edit: I am interested in single-level recursion

like image 637
Dejan Dakić Avatar asked Aug 06 '13 09:08

Dejan Dakić

1 Answers

You could do it with Mono.Cecil.

Here is a simple LINQPad program that demonstrates:

const string AssemblyFilePath = @"path\to\assembly.dll";  void Main() {     var assembly = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(AssemblyFilePath);     var calls =         (from type in assembly.Types          from caller in type.Methods          where caller != null && caller.Body != null          from instruction in caller.Body.Instructions          where instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Call          let callee = instruction.Operand as MethodReference          select new { type, caller, callee }).Distinct();      var directRecursiveCalls =         from call in calls         where call.callee == call.caller         select call.caller;      foreach (var method in directRecursiveCalls)         Debug.WriteLine(method.DeclaringType.Namespace + "." + method.DeclaringType.Name + "." + method.Name + " calls itself"); } 

This will output the methods that calls themselves directly. Note that I only processed the Call instruction, I'm not certain how to handle the other call instructions correctly here, or even if that is even possible.

Caveat: Note that this will, because I only handled that single instruction, only work with statically compiled calls.

Virtual calls, calls through interfaces, that just happen to go back to the same method, will not be detected by this, a lot more advanced code is necessary for that.

like image 74
Lasse V. Karlsen Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10

Lasse V. Karlsen