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What is the .metadata folder in Eclipse workspace?


My "workspace" folder includes a hidden folder called ".metadata". Is it important to backup this folder regularly?

like image 811
Erel Segal-Halevi Avatar asked Nov 15 '13 07:11

Erel Segal-Halevi

People also ask

Can I delete .metadata folder?

Yes, go ahead and delete the . metadata.

Where is .metadata of Eclipse workspace?

You should find something like your-eclipse-workspace\. metadata\. plugins\org. eclipse.

What is included in workspace folder in Eclipse?

The workspace is a directory on the disk where the Eclipse platform and all the installed plug-ins store preferences, configurations and temporary information. Subsequent Eclipse invocations will use this storage to restore the previous state. As the name suggests, it is your "space of work".

How do I clean up my Eclipse workspace?

One way to fix a corrupted eclipse workspace is to delete the folder <workspace location>\. metadata\. plugins\org.

1 Answers

The .metadata folder is an area where Eclipse plug-ins can save any information they want to save. This will include things like your preference settings, information about the contents of projects and the indices the Java plug-in uses to find classes and methods quickly.

It also includes the .log file where Eclipse logs errors.

Exactly what is stored there depends on the plug-ins you have installed (one of my plug-ins has a database in the .metadata) so it is a good idea to back it up (along with the projects).

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greg-449 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
