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Detect if python program is executed via Windows GUI (double-click) vs command prompt

I have a Python 3.5 console program compiled into a Windows executable via pyinstaller.


  • When executed via a command prompt, I'd like my program to run with whatever arguments were supplied (possibly none).
  • When executed via the operating system's GUI (i.e. by double-clicking the .exe in Windows Explorer on Windows, etc) I'd like my program to prompt the user for input. I also need my program to pause before exiting so the user can read the output.

How do I detect these different scenarios?


  1. The executable must be able to run on a bare-bones (i.e. fresh install) Windows/RedHat machine.
  2. The compiled executable must be a single file and may not rely on other files not packaged inside the compiled executable (pyinstaller allows files to be packaged inside the compiled executable).
  3. The program may depend on 3rd party python packages.

Things I've Tried

  • sys.stdin.isatty()
    These always return True on Windows.

  • Searching StackOverflow / the internet:
    How to determine if Python script was run via command line?
    How can I check to see if a Python script was started interactively?
    As far as I understand, a program is running interactively if the user started it regardless of whether it was started from a command prompt or the GUI.

  • I also considered checking to see if the parent process is cmd.exe or explorer.exe. However, starting the program via the Windows run command will make explorer.exe the parent process. Starting the program via Task Manager will make Task Manager the parent process. These are edge cases that I could live with, but obviously I'd prefer a more robust solution.

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ErikusMaximus Avatar asked Mar 14 '19 21:03


People also ask

How can I tell if Python script is running on Windows?

You can use psutil. Process().

How do I test Python code in CMD?

To run Python scripts with the python command, you need to open a command-line and type in the word python , or python3 if you have both versions, followed by the path to your script, just like this: $ python3 hello.py Hello World! If everything works okay, after you press Enter , you'll see the phrase Hello World!

Does Python use command prompt?

While installing Python, one IDE named IDLE is also installed. Using the IDLE we can write and also run our programs. But we can also run python programs on CMD or command prompt as CMD is the default command-line interpreter on Windows.

What happens when I double click a Python file?

1- Just Right Click the script file and go to properties. 2- Select the option 'Opens with:' in General tab, and select the python from list, if its not available then browse to the installation directory of python and select the python.exe from there. 3- Now when you double click on the file it will run automatically.

1 Answers

Count processes attached to the console

Windows API documentation for GetConsoleProcessList

import ctypes

# Load kernel32.dll
kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error=True)
# Create an array to store the processes in.  This doesn't actually need to
# be large enough to store the whole process list since GetConsoleProcessList()
# just returns the number of processes if the array is too small.
process_array = (ctypes.c_uint * 1)()
num_processes = kernel32.GetConsoleProcessList(process_array, 1)
# num_processes may be 1 if your compiled program doesn't have a launcher/wrapper.
if num_processes == 2:
    input('Press ENTER to continue...')
like image 86
ErikusMaximus Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10
