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How to code "Restart Kernel and Run all" in button for Python Jupyter Notebook?

I'm trying to create a GUI in Jupyter notebook using python. I have coded the buttons to execute the code using widgets. But I'm running into two issues:

  1. Code a snippet to restart kernel and run all cells (rs_button in the code snippet below)
  2. Less important: Is there anyway I can hide all the codes in python and just keep the buttons as well as user input cells on display?

Here's what I've been trying:

import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
rs_button = widgets.Button(description="Restart Kernel!")
exec_button = widgets.Button(description="Click Me!")

def rs_button_clicked(b):

def exec_button_clicked(b):
    import data_assess_v6 as data_profiler
    (execution_time) = data_profiler.data_profile(path,file)



like image 442
Padma Dwivedi Avatar asked Feb 26 '19 13:02

Padma Dwivedi

1 Answers

I have been able to achieve these 2 functionalities by injecting javascript into the notebook. Below is the code snippet.

from IPython.display import HTML, Javascript, display

def initialize():
                code_show = false;
                function restart_run_all(){
                    }, 10000)
                function code_toggle() {
                    if (code_show) {
                    } else {
                    code_show = !code_show
            <button onclick="code_toggle()">Click to toggle</button>
            <button onclick="restart_run_all()">Click to Restart and Run all Cells</button>

The restart_run_all() function restarts the notebook kernel and then executes all cells after 10 seconds. The parameter to the timeout function can be adjusted as necessary.

The code_toggle() function toggles the input areas of the cells in the notebook. It also gives a nice animation while toggling the code cells.

like image 63
Suraj Potnuru Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10

Suraj Potnuru