I have a generic dropdown list filler script which populates the select
with the options returned from various jquery calls. It currently is intended for a single selection. I need to add to it the ability to fill a multi-select, which works as-is, but I don't want to include the initial * Please choose * option.
I'm looking for either a jQuery or plain Javascript solution.
if (dropdown != null) {
var regList = document.getElementById(dropdown);
regList.options.length = 0;
var opt = document.createElement("option");
// ** if the dropdown is *not* a multiple="multiple",
// add the first option as an empty value
opt.text = " -- Select --";
opt.value = "";
// **
// loop thorugh child nodes and fill dropdown.
$.each(arg.d, function () {
opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.text = this;
opt.value = this;
We can use any of the methods we used to select one value from the dropdown to select multiple values by invoking the methods multiple times for different values. The "Select " class provides a method, isMultiple(), using which we can first validate whether the dropdown allows us to select multiple values.
Use the tagName property to check if an element is a select dropdown, e.g. if (select. tagName === 'SELECT') {} .
The multiple attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that multiple options can be selected at once. Selecting multiple options vary in different operating systems and browsers: For windows: Hold down the control (ctrl) button to select multiple options.
You can check the .multiple property of the object
var isMulti = document.getElementById('selectId').multiple; // true/false
jQuery you could do .prop('multiple');
Using jQuery, finds and populates the selects on the page.
(function populateAll() {
/* Here's our options info */
var opts = {
'volvo': 'Volvo',
'saab' : 'Saab',
'opel' : 'Opel',
'audi' : 'Audi'
This function, given a jQuery select item, and options list, populates it.
If it is a single-select, it adds a ---Select---/empty value as the first option.
function populate(listBox, options) {
var option = null;
if (listBox.prop('multiple') === false) {
option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = '---Select---';
option.value = '';
$.each(options, function (value, label) {
option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = label;
option.value = value;
/* Find all select tags on page and populate with 'opts' data */
$('select').each(function() {
populate($(this), opts);
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