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Best way to remove an element from a List inside of a Map in Immutable.js

I am using Facebook's Immutable.js to speed up my React application to take advantage of the PureRender mixin. One of my data structures is a Map() and one of the keys in that map has a List<Map>() as its value. What I'm wondering is, not knowing the index of the item I want to remove from the List(), what is the best way to go about removing it? So far I have come up with the below. Is this the best (most efficient) way?

// this.graphs is a Map() which contains a List<Map>() under the key "metrics"
onRemoveMetric: function(graphId, metricUUID) {
    var index = this.graphs.getIn([graphId, "metrics"]).findIndex(function(metric) {
        return metric.get("uuid") === metricUUID;
    this.graphs = this.graphs.deleteIn([graphdId, "metrics", index]);

(I have considered moving the List<Map>() to a Map() itself since each element in the list has a UUID, however, I'm not at that point yet.)

like image 423
Matthew Herbst Avatar asked Apr 24 '15 15:04

Matthew Herbst

1 Answers

Using updateIn as suggested by @YakirNa this will look like below.


  onRemoveMetric(graphId, metricUUID) {
    this.graphs = this.graphs.updateIn([graphId, 'metrics'],
      (metrics) => metrics.filter(
        (metric) => metric.get('uuid') !== metricUUID


  onRemoveMetric: function(graphId, metricUUID) {
    this.graphs = this.graphs.updateIn([graphId, "metrics"], function(metrics) {
      return metrics.filter(function(metric) {
        return metric.get("uuid") !== metricUUID;
like image 197
quotesBro Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10
