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Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android WebView

I'm not highly familiar with javascript but I think this is the best way to accomplish my purpose. If not, please correct me.

I have a licence text 2 buttons at the end. All of this is written in HTML in a WebView because there are some links in the licence. Now, I want that when the user clicks the "ok" button in the WebView, this triggers some javascript or listener that I can grab in Java to fire an Intent to go forward in the application. (The cancel button would do the opposite, but if I know how to do one, I can do the other. ;) )

Does this rings any bell to someone? Any explanation or sample code is welcome.

like image 889
Sephy Avatar asked Oct 31 '10 21:10


2 Answers

I finally got it on my own after some reading. Kind of hard when you know nothing about javascript and when the doc is quite thin on the subject.
Here is my solution, hope this will help others :

With an HTML page containing 2 buttons at the end like that :

<div>      <button type="button" id="ok" style="font-weight: 700; margin-right: 20px;" onclick="validClick();">J'accepte</button>      <button type="button" id="no" onclick="refuseClick();">Je refuse</button> </div> 

I send the event of the click to the javascript at the top of my HTML page :

<script language="javascript">     function validClick()    {       valid.performClick();       document.getElementById("ok").value = "J'accepte";    }    function refuseClick()    {       refuse.performClick();       document.getElementById("no").value = "Je refuse";    }  </script> 

valid and refuse are 2 java objects that I passed through the javascript interface to use their methods. So in java, I created 2 buttons (not really displayed in the Activity, only here for their methods and are sort of shadows of the HTML buttons :

valid = new Button(ctx); valid.setOnClickListener(this); refuse = new Button(ctx); refuse.setOnClickListener(this); 

Then I added javascript to my WebView :

// Enablejavascript WebSettings ws = wv.getSettings(); ws.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); // Add the interface to record javascript events wv.addJavascriptInterface(valid, "valid"); wv.addJavascriptInterface(refuse, "refuse"); 

And finally, handle the click events in the onClick method :

@Override public void onClick(View v) {     if (v.equals(valid)) {         //do Something     } else if (v.equals(refuse)) {         //do Something else } } 

Hope this will help some people

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Sephy Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09


Here's a simpler solution. On the Java side, create a listener for each button. It doesn't need to be any particular class, since the method will be looked up using reflection:

WebSettings ws = wv.getSettings(); ws.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); wv.addJavascriptInterface(new Object() {   public void performClick()   {     // Deal with a click on the OK button   } }, "ok"); 

Then in the HTML, call it directly from the button tag:

<button type="button" onclick="ok.performClick();">OK</button> 
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peastman Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09
