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detect browser refresh in angular project?



I want to detect when page is refresh using router in my single page application (Angular project)

Is there any alternate way?

like image 905
Khaled Ayed -ngCode- Avatar asked May 27 '19 11:05

Khaled Ayed -ngCode-

People also ask

How can I tell if Angular browser is refreshing?

There isn't any default way to respond to this inside your Angular application. You might be able to mock something up using onBeforeUnload() to log that the application was reloaded; and then check that log in your application's initialization routine to perform some special action.

How do I know if my browser is refreshing or closing?

When we refresh the page (F5, or icon in browser), it will first trigger ONUNLOAD event. When we close the browser (X on right top icon),It will trigger ONUNLOAD event. Now when ONUNLOAD event is triggered, there is no way to distinguish between refresh the page or close the browser.

What happens when we refresh in Angular?

On reload, your angularJS app will rerun it's initializations, but the code itself may be cached to your browser.

How do I stop Angular refresh?

You cannot prevent page refresh. The browser user can always hit F5. The "onbeforeunload" approach will allow you to warn the user, but you can't prevent it.

3 Answers

In the component.ts

import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';

export let browserRefresh = false;

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]

export class AppComponent implements OnDestroy {

  subscription: Subscription;

  constructor(private router: Router) {
    this.subscription = router.events.subscribe((event) => {
        if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {
          browserRefresh = !router.navigated;

in the page you need

import { browserRefresh } from '../app.component';


  ngOnInit() {
    this.browserRefresh = browserRefresh;
    console.log('refreshed?:', browserRefresh);

See working example here https://stackblitz.com/edit/refreshangular?file=src%2Fapp%2Fpage-a%2Fpage-a.component.ts

Click on page A & Page B & refresh to see the difference Click on page A & Page B & refresh to see the difference2

like image 176
Inês Gomes Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Inês Gomes

try this

    .pipe(filter((rs): rs is NavigationEnd => rs instanceof NavigationEnd))
    .subscribe(event => {
      if (
        event.id === 1 &&
        event.url === event.urlAfterRedirects 
      ) {
       ..... // here your code when page is refresh

You will need to import

import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { Router  } from '@angular/router';
like image 42
Ghoul Ahmed Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 01:09

Ghoul Ahmed

An Angular application is a single page application, and in the context of a single page application the full app is loaded once, and data or screens are refreshed as the user uses your application.

A browser refresh is the equivalent of shutting down your application and launching it again. There is no default way to respond to this inside your Angular application.

You might be able to mock something up using onBeforeUnload() to log that the application was reloaded; and then check that log in your application's initialization routine to perform some special action.

like image 36
JeffryHouser Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 01:09
