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Destructuring Props in React

I started learning React js and I reached to the topic of destructuring props. Normally what we do is we destructure props and then use the attributes just like below code in Greet component

import React from "react";
const Greet = props => {
  const { name, heroName } = props; //here I destructured it
  return (
        Hello {name} a.k.a {heroName}
      </h1>{" "}
      // and then use simply name and heroName
export default Greet;

And here is my App component

import React from "react";
import logo from "./logo.svg";
import "./App.css";
import Greet from "./components/Greet";
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Greet name="kaptan" heroName=" ek" />
export default App;

The above code works fine then I moved further and make a Person and a NameList component Below is my NameList component

import React from "react";
import Person from "./Person";
function NameList() {
  const persons = [
      id: 1,
      name: "kaptan",
      age: 30,
      skill: "react"
      id: 2,
      name: "rinku",
      age: 29,
      skill: "java"
      id: 3,
      name: "ankit",
      age: 39,
      skill: "vue"
  const personsList = persons.map(person => <Person person={person} />);
  return <div>{personsList}</div>;
export default NameList;

And here is my Person component

import React from "react";
const Person = ({ person }) => {
  // here i need to destructure person object
  return (
        I am {person.name},My age is {person.age},I know {person.skill}
export default Person;

So my question is that why in Person component I cant do destructure as I did in Greet component

like this way

import React from "react";
const Person = props => {
  const { name, age, skill } = props;
  return (
        I am {name},My age is {age},I know {skill}
export default Person;

It doesn't give me correct output Why?

like image 488
Kaptan Bhardwaj Avatar asked Mar 08 '20 17:03

Kaptan Bhardwaj

People also ask

What is props Destructuring in React?

In destructuring, It does not change an array or any object, it makes a copy of the desired object or array element by assigning them in its own new variables, later we can use this new variable in React (class or functional) components. It makes the code more clear.

Can you Destructure props in a class component?

You can destructure the React props object within the render method inside a React class component. You can also destructure the React props object within a React functional component.

How do you Destructure state in React?

Destructuring state Destructuring states is similar to props. Here is syntax to Destructuring states in React: import React, { Component } from 'react' class StateDemp extends Component { render() { const {state1, state2, state3} = this.

What is Destructuring in JS?

The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables.

Video Answer

3 Answers

You can use nested destructuring to get person properties:

const { person: { name, age, skill } } = props;

Nested destructuring is used here because props has this structure:

  person: {
    name: ...,
    age: ...,
    skill: ...

Alternatively, you can just get person from props and then use its properties, similar to what you initially wrote:

const { person } = props;

return (
     <h2>I am {person.name},My age is {person.age},I know {person.skill} </h2>
like image 75
Alberto Trindade Tavares Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10

Alberto Trindade Tavares

Greet component receives name, heroName as props from the parent, so you can destructure it like you did.

<Greet name="kaptan" heroName=" ek"/>

But the Person component receives person as a prop and that contains the properties name, age, skill, etc. So you can't directly destructure it. You have to destructure the person prop

<Person person ={person}/>

like image 35
Anurag Srivastava Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10

Anurag Srivastava

You can either destructure the people and get their properties or do nested destructuring. Nested destructuring is easier because if you had more properties, then it would take more lines of code to get each of the properties.

like image 1
new QOpenGLWidget Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

new QOpenGLWidget