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Expression Expected in React using Switch Statement

I am using switch statement inside a react file .Getting Expression Expected error in first case line.

export default ({handle, state}) => (
  <div style={styles.container} >
    <h3 style={{margin: 0, marginBottom: 15}}>InputData</h3>
    {items.map((item) => (
      <div style={styles.lineContainer}>
          case "name1": return <InputBox/>;
          case "name2": return <SelectBox/>;
          case "name3": return <<SelectBox/>;/>;
          default: return <InputBox/>
like image 788
JokerBean Avatar asked Mar 19 '19 09:03


People also ask

Can I use switch statement in React?

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The "Expression expected" TypeScript error occurs when we have a syntax error in our code or our code editor is using an older version of TypeScript. To solve the error, make sure to correct and syntax errors and use a recent version of the TypeScript compiler.

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2 Answers

If you want to inline a switch statement, you need to encase it inside an IIFE.

export default ({handle, state}) => (
  <div style={styles.container}>
    <h3 style={{margin: 0, marginBottom: 15}}>InputData</h3>
    {items.map((item) => (
      <div style={styles.lineContainer}>
        {(() => {
          switch(item.name) {
            case "name1": return <InputBox/>;
            case "name2": return <SelectBox/>;
            case "name3": return <SelectBox/>;
            default: return <InputBox/>
like image 148
Ben Fortune Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Ben Fortune

You have to use your switch statement in a function. Also, for clarity sake, you would be better off trying to keep conditional logic like that outside of your immediate component body.

export default function({ handle, state }) {
  function renderSwitch(item) {
    switch (item.name) {
      case "name1":
        return <InputBox />
      case "name2":
        return <SelectBox />
      case "name3":
        return <SelectBox />
        return <InputBox />

  return (
    <div style={styles.container}>
      <h3 style={{ margin: 0, marginBottom: 15 }}>InputData</h3>
      {items && items.map(item => <div style={styles.lineContainer}>{renderSwitch(item)}</div>)}
like image 22
Tom Finney Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Tom Finney