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Destructuring dicts and objects in Python



In Javascript, I can use destructuring to extract properties I want from a javascript objects in one liner. For example:

currentUser = {   "id": 24,   "name": "John Doe",   "website": "http://mywebsite.com",   "description": "I am an actor",   "email": "[email protected]",   "gender": "M",   "phone_number": "+12345678",   "username": "johndoe",   "birth_date": "1991-02-23",   "followers": 46263,   "following": 345,   "like": 204,   "comments": 9 }  let { id, username } = this.currentUser; console.log(id) // 24 console.log(username) //johndoe 

Do we have something similar in Python for Python dicts and Python objects? Example of Python way of doing for python objects:

class User:     def __init__(self, id, name, website, description, email, gender, phone_number, username):         self.id = id         self.name = name         self.website = website         self.description = description         self.email = email         self.gender = gender         self.phone_number = phone_number         self.username = username    current_user = User(24, "Jon Doe", "http://mywebsite.com", "I am an actor", "[email protected]", "M", "+12345678", "johndoe")      # This is a pain id = current_user.id email = current_user.email gender = current_user.gender username = current_user.username      print(id, email, gender, username) 

Writing those 4 lines (as mentioned in example above) vs writing a single line (as mentioned below) to fetch values I need from an object is a real pain point.

(id, email, gender, username) = current_user 
like image 837
Lokesh Agrawal Avatar asked Feb 20 '19 11:02

Lokesh Agrawal

People also ask

Is there object Destructuring in Python?

In Python, destructuring assignments for dictionaries are a little complex. As demonstrated above, by default, the variables on the left can only receive the keys of an object. However, if we think about the above method carefully, a hidden bug is there: The order of the genius.

How do you Destructure an array of objects in Python?

Destructuring (also called unpacking) is where we take a collection, like a list or a tuple, and we break it up into individual values. This is quite useful, as it enables us to do things like destructuring assignments, where we assign values to several variables at once from a single collection.

What is object and array Destructuring?

Destructuring is the act of unpacking elements in an array or object. Destructuring not only allow us to unpack elements, it also gives you the power to manipulate and switch elements you unpacked depending on the type of operation you want to perform. Let's see how destructuring works in arrays and objects now.

Can you Destructure an object?

Destructuring is a JavaScript expression that allows us to extract data from arrays, objects, and maps and set them into new, distinct variables. Destructuring allows us to extract multiple properties, or items, from an array​ at a time.

2 Answers

You can use operator module from standard library as follows:

from operator import attrgetter id, email, gender, username = attrgetter('id', 'email', 'gender', 'username')(current_user) print(id, email, gender, username) 

In case you have a dict like from your example

currentUser = {   "id": 24,   "name": "John Doe",   "website": "http://mywebsite.com",   "description": "I am an actor",   "email": "[email protected]",   "gender": "M",   "phone_number": "+12345678",   "username": "johndoe",   "birth_date": "1991-02-23",   "followers": 46263,   "following": 345,   "like": 204,   "comments": 9 } 

just use itemgetter instead of attrgetter:

from operator import itemgetter id, email, gender, username = itemgetter('id', 'email', 'gender', 'username')(currentUser) print(id, email, gender, username) 
like image 123
Lev Romanov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Lev Romanov

Building off of other answers, I would recommend also using Python's dataclasses and use __getitem__ to get specific fields:

from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass  @dataclass class User:     id: int     name: str     website: str     description: str     email: str     gender: str     phone_number: str     username: str          def __iter__(self):         return iter(astuple(self))          def __getitem__(self, keys):         return iter(getattr(self, k) for k in keys)           current_user = User(id=24, name="Jon Doe", website="http://mywebsite.com", description="I am an actor", email="[email protected]", gender="M", phone_number="+12345678", username="johndoe")  # Access fields sequentially: id, _, email, *_ = current_user # Access fields out of order: id, email, gender, username = current_user["id", "email", "gender", "username"] 
like image 22
Carl G Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Carl G