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Design pattern for managing multiple asynchronous JavaScript operations


I'm looking for a good design pattern for keeping track of a bunch of different asynchronous JavaScript activities (images loading, multiple AJAX calls, sequenced AJAX calls, etc…) that's better than just a lot of custom callbacks and custom state variables. What would you suggest I use? Is there any type of queue system with the ability to have logic beyond just sequencing?

Example Problem

I have a startup sequence that involves a number of asynchronous processes (loading images, waiting for timers, making some ajax calls, doing some initialization). Some of the asynch processes can be launched to run at the same time (loading of images, AJAX calls) and some have to be sequenced (run AJAX call #1, then AJAX call #2). Right now, I've got everything running off callback functions and a bunch of global state that keeps track of what has or hasn't completed. It works, but it's quite messy and I've had a few bugs because of the complication of making sure you handle all the sequencing possibilities right and error conditions.

When you have problems, it's also quite a pain to debug because it's like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. As soon as you set a breakpoint anywhere in the sequence, everything changes. You have to put all sorts of debugging statements in the code to try to discern what's happening.

Here's a more specific description:

  1. There are three images loading. As soon as one specific image is loaded, I want to display it. Once it's been displayed for a certain amount of time, I want to display the second image. The third one goes in a queue for later display.

  2. There are three AJAX calls that must happen in consecutive order (the output of one is used as part of the input of the next).

  3. When the AJAX calls are done, there's a bunch of JS processing of the results to do and then two more images need to get loaded.

  4. When those two images are loaded, there's some more display stuff to do.

  5. When all that is done, you examine how long one of the images has been displayed and if enough time has passed, display the next image. If not, wait some more time before displaying the next image.

Each step has both success and error handlers. Some of the error handlers kick off alternate code that can still continue successfully.

I don't expect anyone to follow the exact process here, but just to give folks an idea of the type of logic between the steps.

Edit: I came across YUI's AsyncQueue which isn't a complete solution for the type of problem I have, but is in the same space. It seems to be more for sequencing or ordering a bunch of async operations, but I don't see how it helps with the type of decision making I have.

like image 502
jfriend00 Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 04:07


People also ask

Which async pattern is better in JavaScript?

Which Async patterns should we use? For simple projects, callbacks are the simplest and easier way to handle async flows. On bigger projects with a proper setup, I would choose the async/await pattern, as the asynchronicity is easy to read, has a natural error handling and there's no pyramid of death.

What is asynchronous design pattern?

In multithreaded computer programming, asynchronous method invocation (AMI), also known as asynchronous method calls or the asynchronous pattern is a design pattern in which the call site is not blocked while waiting for the called code to finish. Instead, the calling thread is notified when the reply arrives.

What are the different ways to deal with asynchronous?

JavaScript provides three methods of handling asynchronous code: callbacks, which allow you to provide functions to call once the asynchronous method has finished running; promises, which allow you to chain methods together; and async/await keywords, which are just some syntactic sugar over promises.

1 Answers

Take a look at the concept of Promises/A. jQuery implements this with the jQuery.Deferred object.

Here is a nice article showing how it could be useful for your situation. I asked a similar question a while back.

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Anurag Avatar answered May 25 '23 00:05
