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Why isn't Parallel.ForEach running multiple threads?


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Is parallel ForEach multiple threads?

ForEach is like the foreach loop in C#, except the foreach loop runs on a single thread and processing take place sequentially, while the Parallel. ForEach loop runs on multiple threads and the processing takes place in a parallel manner.

How many threads will parallel ForEach use?

Example using Degree of Parallelism in C# to Restrict the number of Threads. In the below example, we have set MaxDegreeOfParallelism to 2 which means a maximum of 2 threads are going to execute our parallel foreach loop.

Is parallel ForEach blocking?

No, it doesn't block and returns control immediately. The items to run in parallel are done on background threads.

Does ForEach work in parallel?

ForEach loop works like a Parallel. For loop. The loop partitions the source collection and schedules the work on multiple threads based on the system environment. The more processors on the system, the faster the parallel method runs.

Today i tried do some optimization to foreach statement, that works on XDocument.

Before optimization:

foreach (XElement elem in xDoc.Descendants("APSEvent").ToList()) {     //some operations } 

After optimization:

Parallel.ForEach(xDoc.Descendants("APSEvent").ToList(), elem => {     //same operations }); 

I saw that .NET in Parallel.ForEach(...) opened ONLY one thread! As a result the timespan of Parallel was bigger than standard foreach.

Why do you think .NET only opened 1 thread? Because of locking of file? Thanks