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Design & Coding - top to bottom or bottom to top? [closed]



When coding, what in your experience is a better approach?

  1. Break the problem down into small enough pieces and then implement each piece.
  2. Break the problem down, but then implement using a top-down approach.
  3. Any other?
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Carl Avatar asked Sep 25 '08 01:09


3 Answers

I tend to design top-down and implement bottom-up.

For implementation, building the smallest functional pieces and assembling them into the higher-level structures seems to be what works best for me. But, for design, I need to start from the overall picture and break it down to determine what those pieces will be.

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Dave Sherohman Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11

Dave Sherohman

Here's what I do:

Understand the domain first. Understand the problem to be solved. Make sure you and the customer (even if that customer is you!) are on the same page as to what problem is to be solved.

Then a high level solution is proposed to the problem and from that, the design will turn into bubbles or bullets on a page or whatever, but the point is that it will shake out into components that can be designed.

At that point, I write tests for the yet-to-be written classes and then flesh out the classes to pass those tests.

I use a test-first approach and build working, tested components. That is what works for me. When the component interfaces are known and the 'rules' are known for how they talk to each other and provide services to each other, then it becomes generally a straightforward 'hook everything together' exercise.

That's how I do it, and it has worked well for me.

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itsmatt Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11


You might want to look over the Agile Manifesto. Top down and bottom up are predicated on Built It All At Once design and construction.

The "Working software over comprehensive documentation" means the first thing you build is the smallest useful thing you can get running. Top? Bottom? Neither.

When I was younger, I worked on projects that were -- by contract -- strictly top down. This doesn't work. Indeed, it can't work. You get mountains of redundant design and code as a result. It was not a sound approach when applied mindlessly.

What I've noticed is that the Agile approach -- small pieces that work -- tends to break the problem down to parts that can be grasped all at once. The top-down/bottom-up no longer matters as much. Indeed, it may not matter at all.

Which leads do: "How do you decompose for Agile development?" The trick is to avoid creating A Big Thing that you must then decompose. If you analyze a problem, you find actors trying to accomplish use cases and failing because they don't have all the information, or they don't have it in time, or they can't execute their decisions, or something like that.

Often, these aren't Big Things that need decomposition. When they are, you need to work through the problem in the Goals Backward direction. From Goals to things that enable you to make that goal to things that enable the enablers, etc. Since goals are often Big Things, this tends to be Top Down -- from general business goal to detailed business process and step.

At some point, we overview these various steps that lead to the goals. We've done the analysis part (breaking things down). Now comes the synthesis part: we reassemble what we have into things we can actually build. Synthesis is Bottom Up. However, let's not get carried away. We have several points of view, each of which is different.

We have a model. This is often built from details into a larger conceptual model. Then, sometimes decomposed again into a model normalized for OLTP. Or decomposed into a star schema normalized for OLAP. Then we work back up to create a ORM mapping from the normalized model. Up - Down - Up.

We have processing. This is often built from summaries of the business processes down into details of processing steps. Then software is designed around the steps. Then the software is broken into classes and methods. Down - Up - Down.

[Digression. With enlightened users, this decomposition defines new job titles and ways of working. With unenlightened users, the old jobs stay and we write mountains of documentation to map old jobs onto new software.]

We have components. We often look at the pieces, look at what we know about available components, and do a kind of matching. This is the randomest process; it's akin to the way crystals form -- there are centers of nucleation and the design kind of solidifies around those centers. Web Services. Database. Transaction Management. Performance. Volume. Different features that somehow help us pick components that implement some or all of our solution. Often feels bottom-up (from feature to product), but sometimes top-down ("I'm holding a hammer, call everything a nail" == use the RDBMS for everything.)

Eventually we have to code. This is bottom up. Kind of. You have to define a package structure. You have to define classes as a whole. That part was top down. You have to write methods within the classes. I often do this bottom-up -- rough out the method, write a unit test, finish the method. Rough out the next method, write a unit test, finish the method.

The driving principle is Agile -- build something that works. The details are all over the map -- up, down, front, back, data, process, actor, subject area, business value.

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S.Lott Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11
