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Deserialize enum ignoring case in Spring Boot controller

I have Spring Boot endpoint which has enum as query param:

public List<Example> getByEnum(@RequestParam(name = "exampleEnum", required = false) ExampleEnum exampleEnum) {
    // code

And enum class:

public enum ExampleEnum {

If I pass uppercase enum value to the endpoit, it deserializes well but it throws error for lowercase:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant 

How to deserialize enum ignoring case in Spring Boot Rest endpoint?

This question is not duplicate because it's related to query param deserialization.

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Justinas Jakavonis Avatar asked May 08 '18 10:05

Justinas Jakavonis

1 Answers

EDIT: The answer below is incorrect. You have to define a custom PropertyEditor and register it with Spring @InitBinder which I explained in this post. Thanks to @Dave for pointing this out in the comments.

Spring Boot 2.0 is using Jackson 2.9 which has ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_ENUMS feature. You should be able to enable it by setting

spring.jackson.mapper.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_ENUMS = true 

property as per docs, Appendix A.

like image 154
Karol Dowbecki Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Karol Dowbecki