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Deprecated: Retrieve service locator in functional system - ZF2

I'm developing a ZF2 system and it was working very well, but after I clone the repository in other computer this deprecated error has appeared:

You are retrieving the service locator from within the class Module\Controller\Controller. Please be aware that ServiceLocatorAwareInterface is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0, along with the ServiceLocatorAwareInitializer. You will need to update your class to accept all dependencies at creation, either via constructor arguments or setters, and use a factory to perform the injections. in /home/path/project/vendor/zendframework/zend-mvc/src/Controller/AbstractController.php on line 258

The composer.json:

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.5",
    "ext-curl": "*",
    "ext-json": "*",
    "ext-mbstring": "*",
    "zendframework/zendframework": "~2.5",
    "doctrine/doctrine-orm-module": "0.*",
    "hounddog/doctrine-data-fixture-module": "0.0.*",
    "imagine/Imagine": "~0.5.0"

The error appears when I retrieve the service in my controllers (extending Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController):


In the Zend core at Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractController is like this:

public function getServiceLocator()
        'You are retrieving the service locator from within the class %s. Please be aware that '
        . 'ServiceLocatorAwareInterface is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0, along '
        . 'with the ServiceLocatorAwareInitializer. You will need to update your class to accept '
        . 'all dependencies at creation, either via constructor arguments or setters, and use '
        . 'a factory to perform the injections.',

    return $this->serviceLocator;

Before was only this:

public function getServiceLocator()
    return $this->serviceLocator;

I've tried everything, someone know what I've to do?

like image 292
Euclécio Avatar asked Mar 17 '16 12:03


1 Answers

You don't have to do anything, yet. When you upgrade to ZF3, then you will have to change how your controller class receives its dependencies.

ZF2 supports two dependency injection patterns: by service locator and by constructor. ZF3 removes "by service location" and requires "by constructor". All this does, effectively, is change how dependencies resolve, moving the resolution from "just in time" to "at construction".

Instead of being able to get a service from anywhere, you instead receive them at construction. Update your code along the following lines:

namespace Module\Controller;

class Controller {
    public function __construct(\Module\Service\Service $service) {
        $this->service = $service;

Use $this->service where you need it in the class's methods.

Then use a controller factory to create your controller, like so:

function ($controllers) { 
    $services = $controllers->getServiceLocator();
    return new \Module\Controller\Controller($services->get('Module\Service\Service')); 

The change is discussed in Issue 5168, and this blog post discusses why service injection with a service locator is an anti-pattern.

like image 171
bishop Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10
