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Deployment automation of RPGLE with Gradle on IBM i

Does anyone have an expertise on building IBM i software: rpgle, sqlrpgle, clle programs, srvpgms with gradle?

The idea for now is:

  • all source code stored in git repo
  • jenkins ci, integrated with git, pulls software update
  • there is a json file in commit also, where stored a full description of release (project info, dependencies, all objects description with build instructions), just like pom.xml in maven
  • on that place jenkins should run gradle task that should build all programs from source code in jenkins working directory, based on instructions in json file. But the problem is - for IBM i compilation available only on server and there is no plugins available for that.

The gradle project should be something like this:

  • transfer source code on server
  • execute remote compilation of each object with instructions from json
  • deploy binaries in specified libraries
  • execute commands - create dataara, change it, run sql scripts and others

So the questions are:

  1. Is that scheme correct?
  2. Are gradle project phases correct?
  3. How can I implement that in gradle?
like image 752
Maxim Shatunov Avatar asked Jun 08 '16 20:06

Maxim Shatunov

1 Answers

I know I am a little late but for anyone reading it later on here are my 2 cents:

I have done the Jenkins, Git and compile part of the question. Though I have used a simple shell script instead of gradle but that could be adjusted.

Here are my documented steps: http://wiki.rpgnextgen.com/doku.php?id=ibm_i_and_continuous_integration

And I used the following repo for testing: https://bitbucket.org/m1hael/linkedlist

like image 151
Mihael Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 17:11
