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Delphi - why does this function work if the class is not created?

Consider this class:

unit Unit2;



  TTeste = class
    texto: string;
    function soma(a, b: integer): string;


procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  teste: TTeste;
  teste:= nil;
  teste.texto:= '';//access violation
  showmessage(teste.soma(5, 3));//no access violation

{ TTeste }

function TTeste.soma(a, b: integer): string;
  result:= (a+b).ToString;


should it really work? why? the var crashed but the function doesnt, does it works like a class funtion?

like image 991
Henrique Faria Avatar asked Jun 14 '18 22:06

Henrique Faria

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1 Answers

This works because you are not attempting to access any fields of the class. The function doesn't require any memory allocation. If the field texto was used in that function, then it would crash (as you see in your other test), because that memory isn't addressed. But here, there is no memory involved. Both a and b (and the function result for that matter) are allocated elsewhere outside of the class. Part of the instantiation process is allocating memory for each and every one of the fields in the object.

This is just coincidental. It's still highly discouraged to actually use something like this. If you feel the need to access the function without instantiation, then you should make it a class function instead.

like image 91
Jerry Dodge Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11

Jerry Dodge