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Delphi program using DCPcrypt does not decrypt from PHP after upgrade to XE2

I have an application developed in Delphi 2007 in which a value is encrypted by PHP and decrypted in the application. Encryption algorithm is RIJNDAEL 128. When I moved the XE2 and installed the latest version of DCPcrypt the application run but is no longer able to decrypt the encrypted string from PHP. The result appears like Chinese characters so I am wondering if I need to modify my handling of the encryption key, vector, or encrypted string to account for the fact that XE2 uses Unicode characters.

The PHP encryption is performed by the following: (mcrypt_cbc(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,$key,$date_str,MCRYPT_ENCRYPT,$iv))

And the two relevant Delphi functions are here:

function PadWithZeros(const str : string; size : integer) : string;
  origsize, i : integer;
  Result := str;
  origsize := Length(Result);
  if ((origsize mod size) <> 0) or (origsize = 0) then
    SetLength(Result,((origsize div size)+1)*size);
    for i := origsize+1 to Length(Result) do
      Result[i] := #0;

procedure TfrmMain.btnDecryptClick(Sender: TObject);
  Cipher : TDCP_rijndael;
  Data, Key, IV : string;
  // Pad Key and IV with zeros as appropriate
  Key := PadWithZeros(boxKey.Text,KeySize);
  IV := PadWithZeros(boxIV.Text,BlockSize);
  // Decode the Base64 encoded string
  Data := Base64DecodeStr(boxCipherTextIn.Text);
  // Create the cipher and initialise according to the key length
  Cipher := TDCP_rijndael.Create(Self);
  if Length(boxKey.Text) <= 16 then
  else if Length(boxKey.Text) <= 24 then
  // Decrypt the data
  // Free the cipher and clear sensitive information
  // Display the result
  boxPlainTextOut.Text := Data;
like image 946
user1231791 Avatar asked Aug 17 '12 05:08


2 Answers

The issue is related to character encoding but it is not that DCPCrypt is incapable of handling UTF-16.

PHP strings are UTF-8. So you are passing the password ('Key') from PHP to Dephi as a base64 encoded string. Bizarrely you are storing the decoded key in a UTF-16LE string. More appropriate would have been a rawbytestring or a TBytes or a TMemoryStream. The binary layout of the payload of Key is now different to what it would be on the encoding side because it is typed as a UTF16-LE (In incorrect Delphi terminology, 'unicode string' - A Microsoft and Embarcadero malapropism).

Also this line of code is wrong in a 'unicode' (sic) compiler for obvious reasons...


Side note

I am the author of TurboPower LockBox 3, and the number one issue I get in forums springs from confusion between ansistrings, utf-8 strings and utf-16le strings. A lot of people think that the password 'abc' as PHP understands it, is the same password as 'abc' in Delphi 2010. What cryptographic libraries use from password strings is the binary payload resulting from the encoding of the string, not its semantic meaning as a string.

like image 122
Sean B. Durkin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

Sean B. Durkin

The application now compiles properly in XE2 and is able to decrypt records from the version compiled with Delphi 2007. Thanks to all for your comments. The different perspectives help to make clear when variables needed to be defined as ANSI string.

In case anyone else is trying a similar update and needs to decrypt cipher text generated in PHP, my decrypt function and the supporting padWithZeros() function came from the DCPcrypt site so I posting my modified code here. I should also not that I installed the 7/21/2012 update to DCPcrypt for XE2 made available at the following location: http://www.pepak.net/files/tools/dcpcrypt.zip.

function TForm1.AESDecrypt(const DecKeyStr: AnsiString;
                              const DecIVStr: AnsiString;
                              const CypherTextIn: AnsiString): String;
  Cipher : TDCP_rijndael;
  Data, Key, IV : AnsiString;
  // Pad Key and IV with zeros as appropriate
  Key := PadWithZeros(DecKeyStr,KeySize);
  IV := PadWithZeros(DecIVStr,BlockSize);
  // Decode the Base64 encoded string
  Data := Base64DecodeStr(CypherTextIn);
  // Create the cipher and initialise according to the key length
  Cipher := TDCP_rijndael.Create(nil);
  if Length(DecKeyStr) <= 16 then
  else if Length(DecKeyStr) <= 24 then
  // Decrypt the data
  // Free the cipher and clear sensitive information
  // Display the result
  Result := String(Data);
(* *)

function TForm1.PadWithZeros(const str:AnsiString; size:integer):AnsiString;
  origsize, i : integer;
  Result := str;
  origsize := Length(Result);
  if ((origsize mod size) <> 0) or (origsize = 0) then
    SetLength(Result,((origsize div size)+1)*size);
    for i := origsize+1 to Length(Result) do
      Result[i] := #0;
like image 5
user1231791 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10
