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delphi pointer address

In Delphi:

How do I get the address (0x2384293) a pointer points to?

var iValue := Integer;
    iptrValue := PInteger;


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  iptrValue := @iValue;
  iValue := 32342;
  //Should return the same value:
  Edit1.Text := GetAddressOf(iptrValue);
  Edit2.Text := GetAddressOf(iValue); 

So what is GetAddress in reality :)

like image 730
Acron Avatar asked Jul 23 '09 13:07


People also ask

How do you assign a pointer variable to an address?

You need to initialize a pointer by assigning it a valid address. This is normally done via the address-of operator ( & ). The address-of operator ( & ) operates on a variable, and returns the address of the variable. For example, if number is an int variable, &number returns the address of the variable number .

Does Delphi have pointers?

Another important pointer concept in Delphi is procedure and method pointers. Pointers that point to the address of a procedure or function are called procedural pointers. Method pointers are similar to procedure pointers. However, instead of pointing to standalone procedures, they must point to class methods.

Does pointers have its own address?

The main feature of a pointer is its two-part nature. The pointer itself holds an address. The pointer also points to a value of a specific type - the value at the address the point holds.

How does pointer store address?

A pointer is a variable that stores a memory address. Pointers are used to store the addresses of other variables or memory items. Pointers are very useful for another type of parameter passing, usually referred to as Pass By Address. Pointers are essential for dynamic memory allocation.

1 Answers

To get the address of something, use the @ operator or the Addr function. You've already demonstrated correct use of that. You got the address of iValue and stored it in iptrValue.

To display an address, you can use the Format function to convert a pointer value into a string. Use the %p format string:

Edit1.Text := Format('%p -> %p -> %d', [@iptrValue, iptrValue, iptrValue^]);

That will display the address of the iptrValue variable, then the address stored in that variable, and then the value stored at that address.

The iptrValue variable declaration reserves some bytes in memory and associates a name with them. Suppose the address of the first byte is $00002468:

$2468: |          |

The iValue declaration reserves another piece of memory, and it will probably be adjacent to the previous declaration's memory. Since iptrValue is four bytes wide, the address of iValue would be $0000246C:

$246c: |          |

The boxes I've drawn are empty for now because we haven't discussed what values those variables hold. We've only discussed the variables' addresses. Now to the executable code: You write @iValue and store the result in iptrValue, so you get this:

       +----------+    +----------+
$2468: |    $246c |--->|          |
       +----------+    +----------+
$246c: |          |

Next, you assign 32342 to `iValue`, so your memory looks like this:

       +----------+    +----------+
$2468: |    $246c |--->|    32342 |
       +----------+    +----------+
$246c: |    32342 |

Finally, when you display the results of the Format function from above, you would see this value:

00002468 -> 0000246C -> 32342
like image 167
Rob Kennedy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Rob Kennedy