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Delphi GUI Design Specifications and Guidelines [closed]

I was looking for a way to standardize my applications layout to boost my productivity since I am wasting too much time positioning visual elements on every form and dialog. I started looking around and found on MSDN

Since Delphi VCL Designer use Pixels and all component Height and width are in pixels. I like to know if there is an easy way to apply those recommendations. or there is a Delphi equivalent

For exp: in the recommendations the edit boxs and the buttons should be the same height, but the default height in Delphi are 21 for the TEdit and 25 TButton. Changing this every time you drop a button is ridiculous.

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Najem Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 23:04


1 Answers

Since you are using delphi which only target the windows systems (for the moment) you must follow the Microsoft guidelines, so try checking the Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines site which is an updated version of the link which you posted.

check these related links to the Windows visual guidelines

  • Windows Application UI Development
  • Windows User Experience Design Principles
  • How to Design a Great User Experience
  • Top Guidelines Violations
  • Powerful and Simple

and this from the embarcadero site

  • Designing User Interfaces

Additionally you can use plugins like GExperts or CnWizards to set the visual properties of multiple controls at once like (Width, Heights ,tab orders and others).

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RRUZ Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10