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Delphi 2010: EOleSysError 'Type mismatch' calling ActiveX control




I have this C ActiveX API (don't have the sources just the binaries):

// \param a [out] Variant holding a byte array 
// \param b [out] Reference to a longlong (Signed 64-bit)
// \param c [out] Reference to a short
short foo(variant* a, longlong* b, short* c);

It's working fine in C#:

//auto-generated import:   
short foo(ref object a, ref long b, ref short c);

test {
 object a=null;
 long b=0;
 short c=0;
 foo(a,b,c); => OK 

NOK in Delphi 2010 (Note that {??Int64}OleVariant is added by the Delphi import tool):

//auto-generated import:
function foo(var a: OleVariant; 
             var b: {??Int64}OleVariant; 
             var c: Smallint): Smallint;

procedure Test;
 a, b: OleVariant;
 c: Smallint;
 foo(a,b,c); => **EOleSysError 'Type mismatch' exception**
like image 547
Sergio Avatar asked Nov 04 '22 05:11


1 Answers

You can use predefined WinAPI types:

// C definition
short foo(variant* a, longlong* b, short* c);

// Delphi definition
function foo(var a: OleVariant; 
             var b: LongLong; 
             var c: Smallint); Smallint;

procedure FooTest;
  a: OleVariant;
  b: LongLong;
  c, RetVal: ShmallInt;
  Retval := foo(a, b, c);

LongLong is defined in Windows.pas, along with many, many other WinAPI compatible types. (At least they're in the Windows unit up through Delphi XE; XE2 may have relocated some of them due to cross-platform and 64-bit related relocations.)

// Windows.pas definition (Delphi 2010)
  LONGLONG = int64;

As David keeps mentioning in the comments below, longlong isn't a standard C++ datatype. However, based on the comments related to the parameters in your update, it's exactly what the C++ developer intended it to be, and therefore the WinAPI definition is compatible (and retains the same name for consistency for documentation purposes).

like image 177
Ken White Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Ken White