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Deleting std::thread pointer raises exception "libc++abi.dylib: terminating"

In C++ 11 with LLVM 6.0 on Mac OS X, I first created a pointer to a memory allocation of std::thread.

std::thread* th = new std::thread([&] (int tid) {
    // do nothing.
}, 0);

Then I tried to delete it.

delete th;

However, compiling the above code and execute it raises exception

libc++abi.dylib: terminating
Abort trap: 6
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Strin Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 19:12


1 Answers

The thread you've created is joinable, and unless you join or detach it, std::terminate will be called when the destructor of the thread object executes. So you need

delete th;

Early proposals for std::thread implicitly detached the thread in the destructor, but this was found to cause problems when the owning thread threw an exception between creation and joining of a thread instance. N2802 contains the change proposal along with illustrative examples.

The original behavior was carried over from boost::thread but it too has since deprecated implicit detach in the destructor.

Unrelated to your problem, but it is very unlikely you need to dynamically allocate the thread object, and even if you do, you should be storing it in a unique_ptr.

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Praetorian Avatar answered Feb 21 '23 03:02
