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Delete the element at index N, LinkedList

This is homework

I have been asked to delete the kth element from a LinkedList. I have also been given its size an int N. The question is how do I update the size of my list after deleting the node at position "k"? If there is something wrong with the logic in my code, please mention it.

I don't want the solution just guidance, thanks.

int N;               
Node first;         

// delete the kth element (where k is between 0 and N-1 inclusive)
public void delete (int k) {
    if (k < 0 || k >= N)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    Node x = first;
    if( k == 0){
        first = x.next;
        N = N - 1;
    for(int i = 1; i < k; i++){
        x = x.next;
        N = N - 1;
    x.next = x.next.next;
    N = N - 2;

I think I might be doing something wrong with the list size (int N).

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Teemo Avatar asked Oct 09 '16 20:10


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1 Answers

When you delete a node, you just need to change the previous Node's next to the (new) next node in k and decrement N (N--) to update the list size.


Also pay attention on your for loop you are changing the next of all nodes before node k

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willian ver valem Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10

willian ver valem