I have a recursive method that steps through a large directory containing thousands of music files. It adds a music file to an observableList<> each time the extension meets the criteria. The list is hooked into a TableView<> in a different thread prior to the recursive method executing so that the user can see the files being added to the TableView<> in real time.
The problem is I know very little about how to manage memory in java and think I might be getting in the way of garbage collection. The recursive method eats up almost 6 GB of ram after around 3,000 songs and then begins to ignore files that it should be able to read. Furthermore, after it has 'finished' stepping through the directory structure, the ram does not reduce, (i.e. the stack from the recursive method is not being destroyed and I think all the objects that are referenced are still in heap memory).
It goes further.. I export the playlist to an XML file and close the program. When I relaunch it, the memory is completely reasonable, so i know its not the large list containing the files, it must have something to do with the recursive method.
Here's the recusive method located in the music handler:
* method used to seek all mp3 files in a specified directory and save them
* to an ObservableArrayList
* @param existingSongs
* @param directory
* @return
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
protected ObservableList<FileBean> digSongs(ObservableList<FileBean> existingSongs,
File directory) throws FileNotFoundException,
UnsupportedEncodingException {
* Each directory is broken into a list and passed back into the digSongs().
if (directory.isDirectory() && directory.canRead()) {
File[] files = directory.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
digSongs(existingSongs, files[i]);
* if a file is not a directory, then is it checked to see if it's
* an mp3 file
} else if (directory.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".mp3")
|| directory.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".m4a")
) {
FileBean songBean = new FileBean(directory).getSerializableJavaBean();
songBean.getPlayer().setOnReady(new OnMediaReadyEvent(songBean));
songBean.getPlayer().setOnError(new OnMediaPlayerStalled(existingSongs, songBean));
* if it's not a directory or mp3 file, then do nothing
} else {
return existingSongs;
return existingSongs;
Here is the listener for the MediaPlayer used to read thr ID tags if possible, this is also located in the music handler
* This class will populate the FileBean metaData after the MediaPlayer's
* status has been changed to READY. Uses the FileBean's setter methods so
* that they will be picked up by the XMLEncoder. This allows the use of the
* Media's ID3v2 tag reading abilities. If tags are not read due to
* incompatibility, they are not changed.
* This step is computationally expensive but should not need to be done
* very often and it saves a ton of memory during normal use. Setting the
* Media and MediaPlayer objects to null make this run much faster and uses
* less memory
* @author Karottop
protected class OnMediaReadyEvent implements Runnable {
private FileBean fileBean;
public OnMediaReadyEvent(FileBean fileBean) {
this.fileBean = fileBean;
public void run() {
String songName = null;
String album = null;
String artist = null;
double duration = 0.0;
// Retrieve track song title
songName = (String) fileBean.getMedia().getMetadata()
// Retrieve Album title
album = (String) fileBean.getMedia().getMetadata()
// Retrieve Artist title
artist = (String) fileBean.getMedia().getMetadata()
// Retrieve Track duration
duration = fileBean.getMedia().getDuration().toMinutes();
}catch(NullPointerException e){
// Set track song title
if (songName != null)
// Set Album title
if (album != null)
// Retrieve and set Artist title
if (artist != null)
// Set Track duration
Here is where I call the method in the controller for the FXML:
public class LoadAllMusicFiles implements Runnable{
private TableView<FileBean> tableView;
public LoadAllMusicFiles(TableView<FileBean> tableView) {
this.tableView = tableView;
public void run() {
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (NoPlaylistsFoundException e) {
String title = "Mine for mp3s";
String header = "No playlists were found.\n"
+ "These are your mp3 mining options...";
String content = "Do you want to import a single mp3\n"
+ "or a folder containing many mp3s?\n\n"
+ "**Note For large volumes of songs this may take a while.\n"
+ "Grab some coffee or something..**";
findNewSongs(title, header, content);
// need to handle file not found exception in new thread
Platform.runLater(new SelectIndexOnTable(playlistTable, 0));
* The method will display an Alert box prompting the user to locate a
* song or directory that contains mp3s
* The parameters passed is the text the user will see in the Alert box.
* The Alert box will come with 3 new buttons: 1)Single mp3, 2)Folder of mp3s
* and 3)Cancel. If the user selects the first button they will be
* presented with a FileChooser display to select a song. If they press
* the second button, the user will be prompted with a DirectoryChooser
* display. The third button displays nothing and closes the Alert box.
* The following outlines where each parameter will be displayed in the
* Alert box
* title: very top of the box in the same latitude as the close button.
* header: inside the Alert box at the top.
* content: in the middle of the box. This is the best place to explain
* the button options to the user.
* @param title
* @param header
* @param content
private void findNewSongs(String title, String header, String content){
Alert importType = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION);
ButtonType singleMp3 = new ButtonType("Single mp3");
ButtonType folderOfmp3s = new ButtonType("Folder Of mp3s");
ButtonType cancel = new ButtonType("Cancel", ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE);
importType.getButtonTypes().setAll(singleMp3, folderOfmp3s, cancel);
Optional<ButtonType> result = importType.showAndWait();
if(result.get() == singleMp3){
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
fileChooser.setTitle("Location of mp3s");
ArrayList<String> extensions = new ArrayList<>();
new ExtensionFilter("Audio Files", getSupportedFileTypes()));
File selectedFile = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(playBackButton.getScene().getWindow());
if(selectedFile == null){
Thread findSongs = new Thread(new DigSongs(selectedFile.getAbsolutePath()));
}else if(result.get() == folderOfmp3s){
DirectoryChooser fileChooser = new DirectoryChooser();
fileChooser.setTitle("Location to mine for mp3s");
File selectedFile = fileChooser.showDialog(playBackButton.getScene().getWindow());
if(selectedFile == null){
Thread findSongs = new Thread(new DigSongs(selectedFile.getAbsolutePath()));
public class DigSongs implements Runnable{
String path;
public DigSongs(String path) {
this.path = path;
public void run() {
Platform.runLater(new UpdateLabel(digLabel, "loading..."));
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ObservableList<FileBean> songArray = musicHandler.getMainPlaylist().getSongsInPlaylist();
Platform.runLater(new UpdateLabel(digLabel, "complete: " + songArray.size()));
This method is located in the music handler and basically just calls the recursive method digSongs(ObservableList, File):
* This method will search for songs in a new directory and add them to the song list
* in the main playlist
* @param newDirectory
* @return
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public PlaylistBean findNewSongs(String newDirectory)
throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException{
PlaylistBean main = getMainPlaylist();
File file = new File(newDirectory);
// add new songs to existing main playlist
digSongs(main.getSongsInPlaylist(), file);
return main;
Guys, I know this is a lot of code and stuff to read. I just can't seem to find the answers I need on google. I suspect the problem has something to do with the reference being passed to the TableView<> but I honestly don't know. I hope someone can take the time to look. I'll post more code if anyone needs it
EDIT: FileBean class
package fun.personalUse.dataModel;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Comparator;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty;
import javafx.scene.media.Media;
import javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer;
* Data model for use with a media player. This object is intended to store
* song data for 1 song
* @author Karottop
public class FileBean implements Comparator<FileBean>, Comparable<FileBean>{
private File file;
private SimpleStringProperty location;
private SimpleStringProperty songName;
private SimpleStringProperty album;
private SimpleStringProperty artist;
private SimpleStringProperty url;
private Media media;
private MediaPlayer player;
private SimpleStringProperty duration;
* inserts default or null values for every field. This constructor
* should be used when making a serializable FileBean. setters should
* be used to initialize the object
public FileBean(){
media = null;
file = null;
location = new SimpleStringProperty();
songName = new SimpleStringProperty();
album = new SimpleStringProperty();
artist = new SimpleStringProperty();
url = new SimpleStringProperty();
* must initialize with a number because this field will be called
* before the MediaPlayer's status has changed which would cause a
* null pointer exception to be thrown if not initialized
duration = new SimpleStringProperty("0.0");
* Initializes the file bean using a file
* @param file
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public FileBean(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException{
location = new SimpleStringProperty();
songName = new SimpleStringProperty();
album = new SimpleStringProperty();
artist = new SimpleStringProperty();
url = new SimpleStringProperty();
* must initialize with a number because this field will be called
* before the MediaPlayer's status has changed which would cause a
* null pointer exception to be thrown if not initialized
duration = new SimpleStringProperty("0.0");
this.file = file;
location.set(file.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"));
* encode all special characters.
* URLEncoder puts a '+' where a ' ' is so change all '+' to encoded space '%20'.
url.set(URLEncoder.encode(location.get(), "UTF-8").replace("+", "%20"));
* Could not easily figure out how to set an action event for when the Media
* object is done loading. Using the MediaPlayer status change event instead.
* Looking for a better option
media = new Media("file:///" + url.get());
this.player = new MediaPlayer(media);
public FileBean(String absolutePath) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException{
this(new File(absolutePath));
* This method uses the parent directory strucutre to guesstimate
* what the song name, artist and album name is. a '?' is appended at the
* end of each item to indicate this is a guessed value
* media file that do not adhere to the following directory structure
* will not be named correctly:
* pathToMedia/Artist/Album/song
private void setDefaultSongNameAndArtist(){
String[] songLocation = getLocation().split("/");
String[] songFragment = songLocation[songLocation.length - 1].split("[.]");
setAlbum(songLocation[songLocation.length - 2] + "?");
setArtist(songLocation[songLocation.length - 3] + "?");
* @return the player
public MediaPlayer getPlayer() {
return player;
* @param player the player to set
public void setPlayer(MediaPlayer player) {
this.player = player;
* @return the duration
public double getDuration() {
return Double.parseDouble(duration.get());
* @param duration the duration to set
public void setDuration(double duration) {
this.duration.set(String.format("%.2f", duration));
* @return the album
public String getAlbum() {
return album.get();
* @param album the album to set
public void setAlbum(String album) {
* @return the artist
public String getArtist() {
return artist.get();
* @param artist the artist to set
public void setArtist(String artist) {
* @return the media
public Media getMedia() {
return media;
* @param media the media to set
public void setMedia(Media media) {
this.media = media;
* @return the url
public String getUrl() {
return url.get();
* @param url the url to set
public void setUrl(String url) {
* @return the file
public File getFile() {
return file;
* @param file the file to set
public void setFile(File file) {
this.file = file;
* @return the location
public String getLocation() {
return location.get();
* @param location the location to set
public void setLocation(String location) {
* @return the name
public String getSongName() {
return songName.get();
* @param name the name to set
public void setSongName(String name) {
* returns the songName property
* @return
public SimpleStringProperty songNameProperty(){
return songName;
* returns the artist property
* @return
public SimpleStringProperty artistProperty(){
return artist;
* returns the album property
* @return
public SimpleStringProperty albumProperty(){
return album;
* returns the duration property
* @return
public SimpleStringProperty durationProperty(){
return duration;
* Creates a serializable copy of this object
* by using it's setters. The purpose of this
* method is so that the FileBean objects can
* be exported to an XML
* @return
public FileBean getSerializableJavaBean(){
FileBean temp = new FileBean();
return temp;
* Method used to return a fully populated FileBean after decoded from XML.
* @return
public FileBean getFullFileBean(){
try {
return new FileBean(new File(getLocation()));
} catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
FileBean temp = new FileBean();
return temp;
* Returns are string in the following format:
* [song name], [artist name], [album name]
public String toString(){
return String.format("%s, %s, %s", getSongName(), getArtist(), getAlbum());
* uses FileBean.toSting().compareTo(this.toString()) to determine if the two
* beans are equal
public boolean equals(Object fileBean){
FileBean newBean = (FileBean)fileBean;
return newBean.toString().compareTo(this.toString()) == 0;
* Uses the String.compare() to order FileBeans based on their absolute path
public int compareTo(FileBean bean) {
if(this.getLocation().compareTo(bean.getLocation()) > 0){
return 1;
}else if(this.getLocation().compareTo(bean.getLocation()) < 0){
return -1;
} else{
return 0;
* uses the compareTo method to compare two files beans.
* This method uses the String.compare() to order FileBeans
* based on their absolute path
public int compare(FileBean bean1, FileBean bean2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return bean1.compareTo(bean2);
A recursive function calls itself, the memory for a called function is allocated on top of memory allocated to the calling function and a different copy of local variables is created for each function call.
Recursion uses more memory. Because the function has to add to the stack with each recursive call and keep the values there until the call is finished, the memory allocation is greater than that of an iterative function.
4) Both heap and stack are essential to implement recursion. Heap is not needed for function calls. It is generally used for dynamic memory allocation by user (or programmer).
Memory Allocation in Recursion. When a function is called, its memory is allocated on a stack.
It is almost always a bad idea to use File.listFiles()
because it eagerly allocates an array of files which may be very memory consuming.
So recursive digSongs
method may produce significant peak memory usage (or even lead to OutOfMemoryError
Take a look at Files.walkFileTree(...)
. It is a great memory efficient solution for directory traversal.
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