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Delete provisioning profile from Xcode 5




I've struggling with this for hours. I have 2 same provisioning profiles I've created and the new profile didn't substitute the old one (which expires 6 days earlier than the new one). Through the XCode 5 menu I can't seem to delete the duplicate provisioning profile. Any workaround in this situation?

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Sergey Grischyov Avatar asked Sep 20 '13 18:09

Sergey Grischyov

People also ask

Where are iOS provisioning profiles stored?

The default location is ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles. You need to browse or navigate to the profile file when you sign apps with the signing utility in iOS Gateway.

2 Answers

If you delete the profile from the Apple development a/c and hit refresh in XCode (Using xcode>Preferences>Accounts) then these profiles will be gone.

You can remove them from the this directory on your machine: "~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles"

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rakmoh Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10


In the Xcode Preferences, go to Accounts, then go to your apple ID, then click "View Details" Click the provisioning profile which you would like to delete, then press the "delete" key ONCE. Then click the refresh icon for manually update the list(pretty counterintuitive...).

Using this method I was able to delete all but one copy of the same provisioning profile, after which the delete does nothing.

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loadedion Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10
