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Delete files older than x days

People also ask

How do I delete files in Unix older than x days?

Next, -mtime is used to specify number of days old your files are. For example, if you specify +1 find command will search for files older than 1 day. The 3rd argument is -exec that allows you to pass the command to be executed. We use rm command since we want to delete files.

How do I find and delete files older than x days in Linux?

The switch -type f means we want to look for files only. The -mmin stands for the modification time, and +15 means we want files that were last modified 15 minutes ago or earlier. The action flag -delete asks find to delete all the files it finds.

How do I delete 7 days old file in Linux?

Your command will look at the top level directory /var/log/mbackups and also descend into any subdirectories, deleting files that match the seven day criterion. It will not delete the directories themselves. For files older than 7 days, you need -mtime +6 (or '(' -mtime 7 -o -mtime +7 ')' ), not -mtime +7 .

How do I delete files older than 2 days Linux?

So, when you specify -mtime +1 , it looks for files older more than 1 day. Rather to explain it further, it simply says to match files modified two or more days ago. If you want to delete files older than 1 day, you can try using -mtime +0 or -mtime 1 or -mmin $((60*24)) .

You can use File.lastModified() to get the last modified time of a file/directory.

Can be used like this:

long diff = new Date().getTime() - file.lastModified();

if (diff > x * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {

Which deletes files older than x (an int) days.

Commons IO has built-in support for filtering files by age with its AgeFileFilter. Your DeleteFiles could just look like this:

import java.io.File;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.AgeFileFilter;
import static org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.TrueFileFilter.TRUE;

// a Date defined somewhere for the cutoff date
Date thresholdDate = <the oldest age you want to keep>;

public void DeleteFiles(File file) {
    Iterator<File> filesToDelete =
        FileUtils.iterateFiles(file, new AgeFileFilter(thresholdDate), TRUE);
    for (File aFile : filesToDelete) {

Update: To use the value as given in your edit, define the thresholdDate as:

Date tresholdDate = new Date(1361635382096L);

Using Apache utils is probably the easiest. Here is the simplest solution I could come up with.

public void deleteOldFiles() {
    Date oldestAllowedFileDate = DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), -3); //minus days from current date
    File targetDir = new File("C:\\TEMP\\archive\\");
    Iterator<File> filesToDelete = FileUtils.iterateFiles(targetDir, new AgeFileFilter(oldestAllowedFileDate), null);
    //if deleting subdirs, replace null above with TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE
    while (filesToDelete.hasNext()) {
    }  //I don't want an exception if a file is not deleted. Otherwise use filesToDelete.next().delete() in a try/catch

Example using Java 8's Time API

LocalDate today = LocalDate.now();
LocalDate eailer = today.minusDays(30);
Date threshold = Date.from(eailer.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
AgeFileFilter filter = new AgeFileFilter(threshold);
File path = new File("...");
File[] oldFolders = FileFilterUtils.filter(filter, path);
for (File folder : oldFolders) {