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Best way of chaining reduce with Java 8




I have the following code that I'm trying to improve:

BigDecimal total = entity.getAssociate().stream().map(Associates::getPropertyA)     .reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add); total = entity.getAssociate().stream().map(Associates::getPropertyB)     .reduce(total, BigDecimal::add); total = entity.getAssociate().stream().map(Associates::getPropertyC)     .reduce(total, BigDecimal::add); total = entity.getAssociate().stream().map(Associates::getPropertyD)     .reduce(total, BigDecimal::add); 

It works, but it really feels like there is a better way of doing this. Can anybody enlighten me on the matter?

like image 799
Henkes Avatar asked Jul 05 '17 12:07


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1 Answers

If all these properties are of the same type (it seems they are all BigDecimal), you can use flatMap to create a single Stream of them all and then reduce it to the total sum:

BigDecimal total =      entity.getAssociate()           .stream()           .flatMap (a -> Stream.of(a.getPropertyA(),a.getPropertyB(),a.getPropertyC(),a.getPropertyD()))           .reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add); 
like image 131
Eran Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 01:09
