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Delete everything after part of a string

I have a string that is built out of three parts. The word I want the string to be (changes), a seperating part (doesn't change) and the last part which changes. I want to delete the seperating part and the ending part. The seperating part is " - " so what I'm wondering is if theres a way to delete everything after a certaint part of the string.

An example of this scenario would be if I wanted to turn this: "Stack Overflow - A place to ask stuff" into this: "Stack Overflow". Any help is appreciated!

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SweSnow Avatar asked Sep 05 '12 08:09


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2 Answers

For example, you could do:

String result = input.split("-")[0]; 


String result = input.substring(0, input.indexOf("-")); 

(and add relevant error handling)

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assylias Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09


The apache commons StringUtils provide a substringBefore method

StringUtils.substringBefore("Stack Overflow - A place to ask stuff", " - ")

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roemer Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
