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Defined vs. exists with Perl6 hash keys



I am learning Perl6 from Perl5.

I am looking at the adverb :exists https://docs.perl6.org/type/Hash#:exists but there isn't a :defined adverb

but I am concerned because there is a distinction between perl5's exists & defined: What's the difference between exists and defined?

How can I do something like this in Perl6?

if (defined $hash{key}) {
} else {
   $hash{key} = 1;
like image 977
con Avatar asked Feb 04 '19 16:02


People also ask

How do you check if a hash is defined in Perl?

The exists() function in Perl is used to check whether an element in an given array or hash exists or not. This function returns 1 if the desired element is present in the given array or hash else returns 0.

How do I remove a key from a hash in Perl?

undef $hash{$key} and $hash{$key} = undef both make %hash have an entry with key $key and value undef . The delete function is the only way to remove a specific entry from a hash. Once you've deleted a key, it no longer shows up in a keys list or an each iteration, and exists will return false for that key.

How do I declare a hash in Perl?

These values can either be a number, string or a reference. A Hash is declared using my keyword. The variable name is preceded by the dollar sign($)followed by key under curly braces and the value associated with the key. Each key is associated with a single value.

1 Answers

if defined %hash{'key'} {
} else {
   %hash{'key'} = 1;

Use the defined routine or method. See 5to6-perlfunc -- defined

like image 136
ugexe Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10
