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Define test variables in QUnit setup

I realized that the QUnit.module provides setup and teardown callbacks surrounding each tests.

QUnit.module("unrelated test", {
    setup: function() {
        var usedAcrossTests = "hello";
QUnit.test("some test", function(assert) {
    assert.deepEqual(usedAcrossTests, "hello", "uh oh");
QUnit.test("another test", function(assert) {
    assert.deepEqual(usedAcrossTests.length, 5, "uh oh");

As seen in setup, I want to declare a variable to use across the following QUnit.tests. However, since the variable only has function scope, the two tests fail, saying usedAcrossTests is undefined.

I could remove the var declaration, but then that would pollute the global scope. Especially if I will have multiple modules, I'd rather not be declaring test-specific variables as global.

Is there a way to specify, in setup a variable to be used in the tests within the module, without polluting the global scope?

like image 795
geoff Avatar asked Jun 20 '14 05:06


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1 Answers

I just realized that it is more simpler than my previous answer. Just add all properties that you want to access in all other test of modules in current object.

QUnit.module("unrelated test", {
    setup: function() {
        this.usedAcrossTests = "hello"; // add it to current context 'this'

And then in each test where you wish to use this.

QUnit.test("some test", function(assert) {
    assert.deepEqual(this.usedAcrossTests, "hello", "uh oh");

Hope this helps

like image 67
khagesh Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10
