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Define host and path frontend rule for Traefik



I am trying to use Traefik to deploy proxy multiple applications in my Docker Swarm mode cluster.

I have got it so that it proxies a named Host but I want it to proxy on a named Host and Path, but I cannot work out the labels I need to use.

This is the docker service command I am using:

 docker service create \
    --label "traefik.port=9000" \
    --label "traefik.docker.network=traefik-net" \
    --label "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:`hostname -f`" \
    --label="traefik.backend=portainer" \
    --constraint "node.role == manager" \
    -p 9000:9000 \
    --mount "type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock" \
    --name portainer \

If the host is dummy.localhost then I am able to hit the portainer app on http://dummy.localhost. However I want to modify it so that I have to use http://dummy.localhost/portainer.

I have seen that there are ways to do this when using a toml file for Traefik, but I am using watch mode and labels on the docker services I deploy.

How can I combine multiple front end rules in my labels so that this (and any other) application can be proxied on a hostname and a path?

like image 889
Russell Seymour Avatar asked May 28 '17 21:05

Russell Seymour

People also ask

What is Traefik frontend rule?

A frontend consists of a set of rules that determine how incoming requests are forwarded from an entrypoint to a backend. Rules may be classified in one of two groups: Modifiers and matchers.

What is Traefik rule?

Rules are a set of matchers configured with values, that determine if a particular request matches specific criteria. If the rule is verified, the router becomes active, calls middlewares, and then forwards the request to the service.

Which rule has the highest priority in Traefik?

Priority. To avoid path overlap, routes are sorted, by default, in descending order using rules length. The priority is directly equal to the length of the rule, and so the longest length has the highest priority.

Is Traefik better than nginx?

Yes, it is operating slower then Nginx, but adding Traefik to project is so simple that you can win any deadlines, especially if you are using Docker/Compose/K8S. It also already has internal analytics.

1 Answers

Traefik v1

If you want multiple rules to apply in order for a routing decision to become effective, separate them by semicolon. For instance:

Host: <your host rule>; PathPrefixStrip: /portainer

What the above means is: If the host and path prefix match, Traefik will route requests to the associated backend(s) (and strip off the specified path prefix prior to forwarding). This even works when defined inside a label.

See the frontend documentation for details.

Update: Traefik v2

Host(`domain.com`) && Path(`/path`)

See the docs

like image 188
Timo Reimann Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10

Timo Reimann