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Is there a way to serve static resources with Traefik?

I'd like to serve static ressources such as images, js bundles, html pages... with Traefik like I was able to do with nginx

# nginx config
server {
    root /www/data;

    location ~ \.js {
        root /www/bundles;

Many thanks Cheers

like image 248
Mathias Gilson Avatar asked Sep 30 '17 14:09

Mathias Gilson

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2 Answers

Traefik doesn't serve static files (it's a not a web server it's a reverse proxy/load balancer).

You must use a container, which contains a web server with your files.

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ldez Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09


To extend the answer related to how files can be served:

If you are already serving files with nginx and want to migrate to Traefik you can still have nginx serving static files behind Traefik. I do this myself in hobby projects running docker standalone on a VM.

The best way is probably still to use containers such as S3 or Swift for static files as it will offload the traffic to the application server and provide a single location for these files (makes things easy when clustering) .. but if you don't have a lot of traffic and use a very simple setup, the nginx way is more than fine.

The issue around static files was discussed here : https://github.com/containous/traefik/issues/4240

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Grimmy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
