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define analyzer globally (ES)

I need/want to define my custom analyzers globally. therefore I edited the configuration file of ES (elasticsearch.yml) according to this answer: Can I customize Elastic Search to use my own Stop Word list? the relevant entries are

  type: custom
  tokenizer: standard
  filter: standard, lowercase, fngram
  type: nGram
  min_gram: 2
  max_gram: 10

but when I try to invoke curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_analyze?analyzer=angram' -d 'this is a test' I get an ElasticSearchIllegalARgumentException[failed to find analyzer [angram]].

is the configuration wrong? (although I'd expect ES to not start-up when encountered an error when reading the configuration during start-up)

how do I correctly define an analyzer globally?

EDIT: I'm using version 0.90.0

like image 709
divadpoc Avatar asked Jun 04 '13 08:06


1 Answers

The problem was with the URL in the curl statement. credit goes to Ivan ( https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elasticsearch/5XlUoghKURg )

I'm quoting his answer from the group:

You cannot use a custom analyzer until it is referenced by an index. You would need to create a mapping that uses the analyzer and then use that index in the analyzer call. There is no need to index any documents to that index.

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/SOMEINDEX/_analyze?analyzer=angram'

like image 127
divadpoc Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
