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Default Values to Stored Procedure in Oracle

I have a stored procedure as follows.


When I execute the above procedure


It will print X--Y. The input parameters are not defaulting to the specified values in the procedure signature when input parameters are null. What is the use of default values then? What if we pass a null value as input and we want to replace a null value with the default value?

like image 802
user1118468 Avatar asked Mar 20 '14 20:03


People also ask

What is default parameter in stored procedure?

The default is an input parameter. To specify an output parameter, the OUTPUT keyword must be specified in the definition of the parameter in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The procedure returns the current value of the output parameter to the calling program when the procedure exits.

How do I set default value in Oracle?

Oracle Default Value A column can be given a default value using the DEFAULT keyword. The DEFAULT keyword provides a default value to a column when the Oracle INSERT INTO statement does not provide a specific value. The default value can be literal value, an expression, or a SQL Function, such as SYSDATE.

How do you set a default value NULL in a stored procedure parameter in Oracle?

In the create procedure statement, you can declare null as the default value for individual parameters: create procedure procedure_name @param datatype [ = null ] [, @param datatype [ = null ]]... If the user does not supply a parameter, Adaptive Server executes the stored procedure without displaying an error message.

What is the default value of number in Oracle?

For numeric types, the default is 0 , with the exception that for integer or floating-point types declared with the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, the default is the next value in the sequence.

2 Answers

Default values are only used if the arguments are not specified. In your case you did specify the arguments - both were supplied, with a value of NULL. (Yes, in this case NULL is considered a real value :-). Try:


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Addendum: The default values for procedure parameters are certainly buried in a system table somewhere (see the SYS.ALL_ARGUMENTS view), but getting the default value out of the view involves extracting text from a LONG field, and is probably going to prove to be more painful than it's worth. The easy way is to add some code to the procedure:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TEST(X IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'P',                                  Y IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1) AS   varX VARCHAR2(32767) := NVL(X, 'P');   varY NUMBER          := NVL(Y, 1); BEGIN   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('X=' || varX || ' -- ' || 'Y=' || varY); END TEST; 
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Default-Values are only considered for parameters NOT given to the function.

So given a function

procedure foo( bar1 IN number DEFAULT 3,      bar2 IN number DEFAULT 5,      bar3 IN number DEFAULT 8 ); 

if you call this procedure with no arguments then it will behave as if called with

foo( bar1 => 3,      bar2 => 5,      bar3 => 8 ); 

but 'NULL' is still a parameter.

foo( 4,      bar3 => NULL ); 

This will then act like

foo( bar1 => 4,      bar2 => 5,      bar3 => Null ); 

( oracle allows you to either give the parameter in order they are specified in the procedure, specified by name, or first in order and then by name )

one way to treat NULL the same as a default value would be to default the value to NULL

procedure foo( bar1 IN number DEFAULT NULL,      bar2 IN number DEFAULT NULL,      bar3 IN number DEFAULT NULL ); 

and using a variable with the desired value then

procedure foo( bar1 IN number DEFAULT NULL,      bar2 IN number DEFAULT NULL,      bar3 IN number DEFAULT NULL ) AS      v_bar1    number := NVL( bar1, 3);      v_bar2    number := NVL( bar2, 5);      v_bar3    number := NVL( bar3, 8); 
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ABaumstumpf Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 03:09
